King Sunny Ade has had to cancel his much publicized American musical tour because the American embassy in Nigeria has refused to give 2 new members of his band visas. This is despite the involvement of the congressman who oversees the area that KSA’s American manager hails from (in other words, the House of rep member). The 2 new members were replacements for the 2 regulars who died in a car accident a few weeks ago on their way to a gig.
Kola Oye has always, without mincing words, told all who cared to listen, that am insane. “Bobo yen o wa alrite”, his words, and maybe he’s right cos how does KSA’s aborted tour solve any of my immediate problems, chief of which is electricity to power my dying laptop right now?? It’s a no-brainer to deduce that it doesn’t, but what jolted me out of my usual catatonic state (just before slipping into the heat induced unconsciousness of sleep), was a comment posted on said aborted tour.
The Commentator, commentee, commenter, aaaaarggh, the mumu that wrote the comment adduced the abortion (my sisters make una no vex) of the tour, on corruption by successive governments which accumulated in the bad state of roads in the country that caused the accident. His logic cannot be faulted, but what got my goat was the apparent ease with which we blame every mishap at the door of govt.
If a tanker falls, catches fire and burns hundreds of people, its govt. If a molue runs out of control and rams into the stalls of market women, its govt. If a whole community is ravaged by mosquito’s, its govt. If theres ponmo scarcity in the market, its govt. If my pet Alsatian dies, its govt.
Maybe I shouldn’t blame the mumu for his assertions, cos, looking at it from his point of view (he claims he’s British Nigerian –whatever the f*#k that is), the british govt has to provide you with everything. Me, am a MAD(Made And Developed) Nigerian, and have learnt to provide myself with everything I need (have just switched to my personally generated electricity to power my laptop). If govt wont fix the road, then I will work harder and buy a G-wagon. When my ‘better pass my neighbour’ packs up, I will save up for Mikano sound proof, which will also carry the powerful water pumping machine for regular water supply. Did I hear another bloody twit say, “but these are all govt’s responsibilities”??? Let me break it down so that even you can understand. A good govt that cares about peoples welfare is first and foremost voted in, not rigged in. This can only happen if people (that’s you and I, twit) vote, and protect that vote by staying till its counted in our very before before (not rushing off after voting to get a manicure cos d ink got under your skin). But the greatest change you can effect is educating those less priviledged than you because they are in the majority. They are the ones who have no scruples selling their votes for a handful of notes on election day, and as they are in the majority, their actions will have a defining impact on the over-all result. So when you are complaining about lack of electricity, road, and water next time, remember that recharge card seller whom you could have enlightened, maybe, just maybe, he could have swung things your way.
Well, back to that mumu that got me started on this tirade. I find it insulting when people make inane comments about situations and conditions they have absolutely no clue about. Saying KSA’s men died as a result of govt corruption smacks of “Re-branding”. There are accidents daily on the well tarred roads of London, new-york, and the autobahn.
I would advise you channel your energy to procuring a G-wagon for when you decide to return to being a MAD Nigerian, as I can easily tell you now for free, that it’s a long way to Tipperary, you bloody British Nigerian!!
All mena can say is make una helep me judge o.loooool
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Lol true true
I totally love 'MAD Nigerian'. u hit the nail on the head. the problem with 9ja is not only govt's fault, and even tho d politicians r mofos, its high time we stopped blaming them for everything and start being proactive instead.
Lovely one!
why u de make me laff nah ehn?...*grinning*....me i no like am o!....shioooo, everybodi know sef, say when iya shikurat & iya tufik quarrel for street na govt cause am! abi no be so my sista?
It's really a pity...may their souls rest in peace & we can have community projects instead of waiting for the govt for everything.
LOL, e no let pelzon talk!
thanks for visiting guys, I appreciate
Sooooo true Mena. You took the words right out of my head. British-Nigerian my fanny. Pah!
MAD Nigerian for real.
Wow great thread! [url=http://organicbabyexpert.org/cinamuse-is-the-most-amazing/]Cinamuse[/url]?
very good!
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