(Dont know how to embed videos yet, sowwy)
The movie apparently caused so much uproar that porn is not part of the AFrican culture, the erotic scenes depicted by the actors and actresses reflected their own morals or lack of. Infact the story had so many hits that one of the actresses (allegedly?!) tweeted at critics to mind their own business as she is only doing her job. (OK it was a very rude update but I managed to summarise it :P)

Now I dont know anything about the actress, Tonto Dike nor her reputation as I had left Nigeria before she gained popularity/notoriety.
But one significant thing that happened was a rejoinder to the initial article which stated that once the video was released, it was sold out with people asking for more copies
It was at tha point that Mena was kicked out of her semi asleep mood and put on her thinking cap.
I came up with a few questions:
1. Is it valid to describe that video as 'porn'
2. Does the fact that an actor/actress interpretes a role given to him to the best of his/her ability have any connection to his/her moral standards (if any?)
3. Is sexual immorality 'foreign' to the Nigerian culture?
4. And if art mirrors real life, can it be argued that writers of that movie created it from actions displayed within the Nigerian society?
5. Who bought the copies of the movies that was allegedly 'sold out' then??
6. WHat are your independent thoughts(if any)Is it reactive, defensive, indifferent?

I realise that am adding 'free buzz' as someone put it, to the hype surrounding the movies and am fine with that. Dont say I dont support Nigerian based art/artistes oh :P
p.s: Note that I have not seen the movie and will not be seeing it as firstly I prefer movies that challenge my mind (say like se7en, sixth sense, the usual suspects etc) and in addition I personally find the preview tacky.
P.P.S: I know I said nothing about the content of the movie, this is because I am more interested in the 'moral outrage' as displayed by its intended market
I have not seen the movie, nor intend to becox i don't waste my energy & time esp on English home videos....yes, it would sell, becox BAD NEWS & SEX are the items that move FAST! People that had seen it called it soft porn & it's not in us to bring our bedroom activities to the glare of the public..tell me, when & how many times had you come across 9jas making out on the street in broad daylight huh?...or see couples doing the tongue kissing publicly?....& why?...is BOLLYWOOD not older than NOLLYWOOD?...so why had they not done it if they see it as a JOB to be done or professionalism? There are professional porn stars who are known for their JOB & used as 'double' for any sex scene in many of hollywood films...people even respect them for doing their JOB unlike this amateurish attempt by GHOLLYWOOD & NOLLYWOOD! IF the producers specifically said PORN FILM for adults only, nobody would had raised an eyelid because there are many Nigerians producing it already but to deceive the populace by disguising it...that is insulting!
Like I said in another website.
Tonto should be isolated, she's ignorant about what she's doing, she doesn't have a clue about what the stage is talking about, she should go back and read Aristotle's poetics, the complete works of William Shakespeare and related books on theatre or else she will continue to make a mess of the theatre. she claims she studied Engineering, if actually she studied Engineering she should try that area she might do better, someone like her can kill Nollywood and drag their name to the mud, The Nigerian society will not let that movie see the light of the day, kids go to rent movies on their own without their parent's consent. please help our kids and isolate people like Tonto, this is a wreck waiting to happen, we're not in hollywood yet.
Look, I'm a trained theatre artist, there's nothing professional about what she did, the theatre has it's own codes like other professions, we were taught discipline, you can't come from nowhere and act anything and say you were been professional, acting is immitation of actions, it's all about how you interprete your role, someone else can interprete that role in a different way without exposing anything, yet more professional, the ability to handle some roles and manipulate them to make your audience believe you that's what professionalism in theatre is all about, you shouldn't come to the stage and strip your self naked to know you're been professional. If you can't handel some roles without doing the real thing you're not professional, do you have to go and get pregnant, because you're playing a pregnant role? but you can fake pregnancy, so also such roles.She was not professional at all. Infact she disgraced theatre arts and been a lay person in the profession she didn't actually understand what professionalism is all about. Such people should not be given roles, they will abuse the profession.
Tacky doesn't even begin to cut it. And how does Tonto's lame attempt at sexy turn out to be professionalism? Anyways, i leave it to the experts to do the right thing by Nollywood and throw that sorry excuse for porn into the sewers, where it belongs.
There, i said my piece. Finally.
I am sorry but it is not clear to me what all the fuss is about. It appears that the actress has come out saying a few things that have upset people - fair enough to abuse her if she said some stupid things.
However, to discuss the morals of making a poor quality movie with lots of bad sex scenes supported by a hungry market, would not be a discussion isolated to this movie but to take on the majority of the worldwide film industry, right?
Movies like those previously suggested are more to my taste but I understand that everybody has differing taste, each to their own.
whats all the fuss about?
Meanwhile why is that guy kissing the girl with his glasses on? mscheeew
I havent seen the film...but from ur summary and the comment I deduce that its a sorry attempt for sexual film
But isnt one man's meat another man's meat pie? Moral or Immoral is relative. I'm sure i'll like the film...bad sex scene and all
As much slating was heaped on Hollywood in its early days of raunchy scenes. But today, such acts are expected & even the norm. Can you name one Hollywood actress whose breasts have never been barred?
When some watch American movies with sex scenes it's: "these white people self!" but when the same scenes are acted out by fellow Nigerians it becomes "unprofessionalism, porn, ignorance, immorality ... & the list goes on".
thanks for all the interesting and diverse comments. :D
sounds kindof good if you think of it
Hello, This is a great article, and I can agree with what was written here. I will be back to check out new comments soon. Thanks
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Really great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up!
menh lyk it
I hope to see dat movie,sum pple dnt like d porn thing abt it .mejority say no too it k they al rite anywy {dat d fact} bt as 4me i like it dat way.if i where in ther shoes i should hav don it more beta to theirs.i dnt mean u guys r nat rite bt dat me 4 u.like dat guy bt y wit glasses.anyway i got ma reasons 4dat.hmmm tonto
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