The loving words seemed to echo around the room, wrapping everyone within it in a sudden embrace. The reactions (to the words) were as divergent as they could possibly be and were in accordance with emotions that ranged from indescribable joy to disconcerting shock. Some people in the room were just merely surprised while others found (within this context) the words to be the most uncomfortable words they had ever heard. The world seemed to stand still, but just for a moment. The lights in the room seemed to focus on the words that had been uttered, blocking out all extraneous noise and ushering in a silence so profound that you could hear almost every heartbeat. The whole world seemed to revolve now around someone who was kneeling down with a ring and offering it to someone else who was standing up.
The scene in itself was not new; it was a scene that is usually played out the world over on occasions such as this. But it was different, yes somewhat different. Music was playing in the background – a very romantic song by Celine Dion. Oh, someone said YES?
That was the reply to the question – the sweet words that had been uttered. The room burst into applause. The atoms in the room seemed to revel in this moment, vibrating till they reached a crescendo. Wale stretched out his hand, and Funmi, still kneeling, placed the 5 carat-diamond engagement ring in his finger. Wale helped her to her feet. She whispered into his ear and as if on cue, he reached into his pocket and produced a 10-carat diamond engagement ring and placed it on her finger. And then they kissed it was a very deep warm loving ‘get-a-room’-kind of kiss. If you want to know what she whispered into his ear, it was ‘my ring is in your right pocket…you can get it out now and put it on my finger.’
Tayo was the happiest person in the room. She was screaming in ecstatic joy as Wale and Funmi smooched. Lola was ‘shocked-happy’ – shocked because Funmi just got on her knees and proposed to Wale instead of the other way around, but happy because he said YES, and gave her a ring (also). Akin seemed to be indifferent – he was mainly looking at Tayo – she was looking very sexy tonight, he thought. But you could tell that Dupe wasn’t very happy – she looked away - she could not even bring herself to watch Wale and Funmi kiss. The kissing continued for what seemed to be an eternity. Wale whispered into Funmi’s ear..
Wale: Funmi, can I talk to you alone for a moment?
Funmi: OK, dear.
Wale and Funmi walked into the next room (the bar area) of the restaurant/bar. Their guests – Tayo, Lola, Dupe, Akin were in the main restaurant area. Oh, I didn’t tell you why they were all here. It was Wale’s birthday and all had been invited – and there (as described above) Funmi popped the question.
Wale: You really surprised me in there. You didn’t give me any heads up….
Funmi: I decided that if you were not going to propose to me, then I would propose to you. I read somewhere that love speaks from the heart. I want to be with you forever and so I laid my heart bare before you.. Oh (smiles) as to the rings – I bought both of them (to match) and put the one you gave me in your pocket when you were not looking….Oh, by the way – I am moving in this weekend! Oh, I have started planning our wedding too….
Wale: You are moving in this weekend? You have started planning our wedding? Funmi, all this is happening too fast. I need some space and I definitely need to know things before you do them – not after. For example, I was embarrassed when you proposed to me just now, but I didn’t want to embarrass you and so I said YES. You are a Yoruba girl, you brought yourself very low in proposing to me…you should be ashamed -- Yoruba girls should not do that – it reveals desperation. I would have said NO, but because I love you and I want to marry you someday, I said YES.
I am embarrassed also that you are moving in and planning our wedding – all behind my back. You are encroaching on my private space and you are taking decisions without discussing them with me..this is not how it should be done.
Funmi: (getting upset and emotional) then please tell me how it should be done. We have been dating (courting) for 5 years. I let you take charge. I give you everything. All I want is to be your wife..and that is so hard for you? In the beginning, you told me you wanted to make more money…now you have made some money. You told me you wanted to lock in a promotion in the company…now you have your promotion. And in all this while, I have been waiting for you…waiting for you..waiting for you! You are so selfish and so cruel…. It’s all about what you want…what about what I want. I want to be married….(she starts sobbing).
Wale: (embraces Funmi, speaks in whispers) Funmilade, my darling, my honey, my sweetie…I am sorry that I hurt you so. Please forgive me. I apologize. You can go ahead and start planning the wedding, but please keep me informed of every plan, I am very happy. But it is not a very good idea to move in with me - We are both born-again Christians and this wouldn’t be right in the eyes of the church – we have to be good ambassadors of our faith and this will not be appropriate. I love you my darling, and I will marry you. I am so happy that we are now engaged. This is the best birthday present that I have ever had.
Funmi: (screams with joy) really! I am so happy…
Wale smiles and dances with her to some romantic music that was playing in the bar area. She pushed her body into his and closed her eyes. As he looked at her he realized that she was shivering with joy.
Tayo had noticed Akin watching her all evening. It had been almost a year since they broke up. Just watching Funmi propose to Wale made her feel like speaking with Akin, and she didn’t know why. It wouldn’t be worth it – speaking with him. What would they talk about? But she missed talking with him though. When they were a couple, they would talk about anything and everything – he was always very open and very kind with his words. He had so much wisdom – he knew things that you wouldn’t even know that he knew – it was as if he knew a little about everything that there is to know. You could talk with him for hours and not even know it. In the past, she remembered now, he was the one she always looked up to, the one she always wanted to talk with. That past is gone, withered away in the decay of her rage. She remembered that day – a day of joy and anger and sorrow. It had started with joy, and then it became anger, and then sorrow.
1 year ago
Tayo: Akin, guess what?!
Akin: What?
Tayo: I haven’t seen my period – it means that we are pregnant (smiling).
Akin: (quiet for a while, and then…) OK!
Tayo: You just said OK. You should hug me, tell me you love me, tell me it will all be alright. Tell me you are extremely happy to hear this good news.
Akin: It will be alright!
Tayo: Akin dear, do not be afraid. I am not making any major demands on you. We are already a couple and I will not force you to propose marriage – love trumps marriage anytime anyday. I will not change anything that we have. The baby will just bring us more joy than we already share.
Akin: Is the baby mine?
Tayo: Haaa. Akin how can you ask me such a question as if you are in doubt. Of course, the baby is yours.
Akin: Your friend Dupe told me otherwise.
Tayo: Dupe? What did she tell you?
Akin: She told me that you and Chief Ajao have been having a sexual affair. She told me that he is your sugardaddy. Isn’t this true?
Tayo: Noooo. Chief Ajao is my boss at the office. There is no affair going on. Don’t believe her, she is lying. She is bitter and she wants to destroy everyone who is not as bitter as she is. She envies the love we have for each other – you and I. Remind me to slap that Dupe of a girl – she is just trying to break us up and you mustn’t let her. And I am shocked, this is so unlike you – we share everything together – we do not hide any information from each other – but you have been keeping this ‘wrong information’ in your heart and you didn’t tell me until the day I tell you that I am pregnant for you.
Akin: OK…well, I don’t want the baby.
Tayo: What? You are talking about our baby as if it is thrash!
Akin: If it is not thrash, what is it? Of course, it is thrash. Do you know how many children I have aborted? I cannot even count. It is not a big deal – we will remove this one because I am not having it.
Tayo: What has come over you? This is not you talking. What has Dupe been feeding you? Or are you f**ing her?
At this, Akin moved very fast and before Tayo could react, he landed a very hot slap on her cheek – her right cheek. The slap was so violent, she fell on the floor and almost passed out. His palms were engraved on her face, an imprint that was as painful as it was shocking. The shock made her numb and she could not even move. She just laid there trying to wake up from this violent dream. But it was not a dream, it was reality coming home with rage in its breath. The rage moved from without to within her through the air that she breathed into her lungs. The air was angry, and so was she. She turned slowly and looked at Akin. There was a look of disgust on his face and right there and then she knew that this was not the man that she wanted to have a child with. This man was not a good man anymore and could never be, at least not in her eyes. She wouldn’t forget this day forever and would not be able to pretend that it didn’t happen. She knew also that she could not be with him any longer, the rage she felt against him could not be assuaged even by the ultimate sacrifice. She broke up with him right there and then.
Back at the birthday/ engagement party, Akin walked up to Tayo.
Akin: Tayo, how are you?
Tayo: Not bad! You?
Akin: Not bad except I could use a little company….(pauses, she didn’t reply and there was this awkward silence). You must be very happy – Funmi finally gets engaged after a very long time.
Tayo: Yes, I am very happy. Can you please excuse me – I got something to do?
With that she walked away with Akin staring at her rear – her curves as they strained through her tight mini-skirt as she walked away. The curves were a reminder to him of what he had, what he lost and what he could never have again. He turned away and walked up to Lola.
Akin: Lolly, how are you babe?
Lola: I am fine
Akin: Your husband almost found out that Abeke wasn’t his own yesterday, you know? I falsified the genotype results and told him that he was AS and that you were AC….the reason why Abeke is SC. But I think he is still suspicious. He may try to do a genotype somewhere else and he will find out that he is AA. You do not have to worry about your own genotype it is AC as indicated…(pauses). But when Yomi finds out that the baby is not his own (and he’s going to find out someday), all hell’s going to break lose. I suggest you let him know.
Lola: Let him know? No…if I tell him – he will kill me. I don’t even know what to do.
Akin: If I may ask – Who is the father of the baby?
Lola: The father of the baby? (pauses) Can I trust you?
Akin: Yes, you can trust me. I have had to bail you out many times. You have a sure confidant in me.
Lola: The father of the baby is Wale.

3 years ago
Lola was dressed to kill. She had on very tight body-hugging top and even tighter mini-skirt. Oh, my bad, I forgot to tell you that Lola was a very sexy girl (she is similar in shape to the attached picture). This was because she had wicked curves, curves that can make the world go round four times – once around her chest, twice around her gluteal regions, and one more time around those hips. She was the type of lady that men describe as ‘not very good-looking but dangerously sexy’…but she copiously compensated for her lack of facial beauty with a body that can make men shiver. And now imagine – she was wearing very tight clothes. Anyway, back to the story before I get carried away myself. She had knocked on the door to Funmi’s apartment. It took a while before anyone answered, and when someone did – it wasn’t Funmi. It was Wale, Funmi’s boyfriend, and he was wearing only boxers.
Lola: Hey Wale, is Funmi in?
Wale (whistles, staring speechlessly at her as if he had just seen a mermaid – for those of you that have seen mermaids before, you understand this): Ummmmmm
Lola: Hello…..eyes up here! (She said this because she caught his eyes drifting first to her bosom, and then to her hips, and she knew he was straining to get a view of her rear).
Wale: She is not in. Omolola, please come in and wait for her, she won’t be long.
Now remember this – this is not the first time that Wale had met Lola. They had been acquainted already for 2 years. BUT this was the first time that he had seen her like this. Normally she wore dresses, but today, she was something else. He moved aside to let Lola into the apartment. As she passed by him, he turned and noticed her rear as it shook in unison to the movements of her walk – the two halves of her gracious rear moved like percussion and drum in a symphony. Wale was suddenly hit hard with desire for her. She turned to face him, knowing that he would be staring at her rear and she looked down and noticed that his boxer shorts was swollen, and then it was her turn to be shocked. She whistled, and stared speechlessly at him as if she had just seen a naked angel – for those of you that have seen naked angels before you understand this. And this angel was naked, his boxers had dropped from around his waist, displaced by the turgor of what it hid – and now his secrets were opened to the air, and to her eyes. Her legs started to shake, and she needed to sit down. So this is what Funmi is enjoying, she thought to herself. She remembered that Funmi always boasted and braged to all the girls – Dupe, Tayo, and herself – that Wale was ‘something else under there’, but she thought she was just exaggerating. NOW, she realized that Funmi wasn’t exaggerating – this guy was like 3 men or more. All this time, Wale was watching her and he approached very quickly – one second, he was by the door and the next second he was right in front of her – and his boxers were still on the floor by the door. He reached out and held her waist, very roughly. She felt as if she was in the vortex of a whirlwind, in the eye of a storm, and in the raging waves of the tempest.
Lola (shivering): Wale, I have a fiancé.
Wale: Your fiancé is NOT here in this room.
Lola: You have a girlfriend – who is also my bestfriend.
Wale: My girlfriend is NOT here in this room.
Lola: We can’t do this – it would not be right.
Wale: THIS…(he held her hand to his tumescent member)…is not about right or wrong. THIS is about biology, chemistry, physics and geography. THIS is Biology because I reacted to you and chemistry because you reacted to me. THIS is Physics because we can feel the HEAT and the FORCES all around us right now. THIS is Geography because your body is like a beautiful landscape waiting to be explored by me. THIS is not about right and wrong. THIS is destiny – you came in here to see Funmi, but now you have met me and what I can offer you.
Wale led her to the bedroom – Funmi’s bedroom – like fresh meat about to be butchered. And yes, he butchered her for hours – he butchered her insides. He gave her bliss, pleasure beyond imagination – during the intense encounter, she screamed for help – she screamed for her friend – she screamed for Funmi.
That was 3 years ago. Lola collected her thoughts and snapped back to reality. But she was excited even by the memories and her legs began to shake. She reached for her husband Yomi and kissed him lightly on the cheek. They were at home. He responded to her touch. She excused herself and went into the bedroom. After a little while, she came out wearing the exact body hugging top and the tight mini-skirt which she had worn 3 years ago (see above). Yomi was excited. He carried her into the bedroom. Yomi made love to his wife. Lola reminded herself continuously not to scream out Wale’s name.
The motel room was alive. Ecstatic sounds and pleasure-tortured moans filled the room from the bottom to the top. Only the creaks of the bed would have belied what sort of activity this was. And then the sex was over. The man had finished too quickly. The woman had been on top and now she disembarked very slowly, rolled on her back and stared at the ceiling as if looking for something more important in the ceiling boards. She didn’t say a word. The man knew why she wasn’t talking – it was because the sex wasn’t good today and she hadn’t been satisfied. Suddenly the man felt self-conscious and inadequate. He searched his head for the right words to say.
Chigozie: Tayo, I am very sorry that it was not very good today – I am tired from work. Please do not be upset with me.
Tayo: Wow, 3 minutes? Is this the best you can do? You need to start exercising more – you and that your stupid fat wife. How is Dupe by the way?
Chigozie: Which kind of silly question is that? We do not have any intimacy at all. I can not even respond when she’s around – I am impotent around her. If not of a friend like you taking care of my needs, I would have committed suicide a long time ago. You have saved my life. You are an outlet for me to release all the emotional tension I feel at home. You are a place of soccour and solace. And you are a container of pleasure. You make me feel like a rabbit – a big rabbit.
Tayo: You mean you have not been having sex with your wife? Ha..which type of man are you? You have to meet up with your responsibilities. (pause) No wonder she is so frustrated and no wonder she is getting fatter too. Don’t you know that sex helps to burn calories and helps to keep you fit and in shape? If you want Dupe to lose weight, you know what to do. (laughs) but seeing how so fat she is you have your work cut out for you (laughs hard).
Chigozie: (laughs hard too) Ah T-a-y-o!!! Well at least I can thank you for helping me to keep in shape for the past one year. If not of you, maybe I will be as fat as that elephant that I call my wife.
Tayo: But seriously you have to touch her from time to time. You can close your eyes when you are making love to your wife and think of me – that way you will be able to survive the ordeal…Are you ready for another round? You better give me a good 30 minutes straight this time.
Chigozie: Yes dear, I will give you your 30 minutes. Let me take my medicine. I will tear you into pieces and show you who your Igwe is.
Tayo: (feigning fear) Please Igwe, be gentle with me. I am a virgin! (laughs very loud).
Akin: Funmi how are you?
Funmi: I am fine o – I am so happy. I called you here to thank you for your advice about proposing to Wale. It worked. I was very afraid and very hesitant. I asked the ladies and no one suggested that, but you know it is important to understand how a man’s mind works – it is different from a lady’s mind. Thank you for being there, thank you for great advice. I am eternally grateful to you – because of you I am engaged and will soon be Mrs Funmilade Ajao. (laughs with joy).
Akin: You know me – anything to help a friend. So, how does it feel being engaged?
Funmi: You cannot imagine how it feels. It feels so so so good. I am so excited I can fly.
Akin: There is something I want to tell you…..
But just then the phone rang and it was Wale. Funmi excused herself and walked some distance away to engage in some intimate talk. Akin watched her walk away and shook his head. She noticed that he did this and filed it away in her mind to ask him later why he did. The phone call lasted for about 20 minutes and she came back to the table.
Funmi: sorry, it was my sweetheart who called. So you wanted to tell me something?...
Just then the phone rang again – it was Dupe.
Chigozie felt happy and bad. Happy because he had just had sex. Bad because that is how he always felt after he cheated on his wife – which was at least twice every single week (for about a year now). He felt bad because he wasn’t just cheating on her with anybody, but he was doing this with her friend Tayo. He remembered that it was Tayo who approached him sometime back in church. See, he was a deacon in the church and Tayo had come to meet him that she had a spiritual problem and she needed some counseling from him. He had agreed to meet her at her place. She then proceeded to tell him that she ‘liked’ sex a lot, and went on to describe in detail some of the things she had done. The confession became a seduction – he was aroused by her every word. And that was when it all started. The pleasure, he remembered even now, was unbelievable – Tayo was like a wild animal. He did enjoy sex with her, but he knew it had to stop. He loved his wife and he must make things right. His wife – Modupe! He felt so bad that he had hurt her very deeply with his words a few days ago – he had called her fat and boring. This was wrong! He had to apologize and make amends. He prayed for courage to be able to STOP his trysts with Tayo. Suddenly he missed his wife so much and decided he had to call her. He picked up his phone and dialed her number. The phone rang and rang, but no one picked up.
Yomi was shocked. His doctor (not Akin) just told him that he was AA and that there was no way he could be the father of a child that was SC (the doctor had also checked Abeke, Yomi brought Abeke secretly to his doctor – he didn’t want Lola to know).
Yomi: Oh my GOD, Abeke is not my daughter. Lola is a bloody liar.
Doctor Ajibola: She is definitely not yours. No chance at all. BUT please be calm, you are shaking in rage, please do not do anything drastic.
Yomi: You are asking me to be calm? How can I be calm? When I am married to a harlot! A whore. A prostitute.
Doctor: I suggest you have a discussion with your wife and resolve this issue.
Yomi walked out of the doctor's room angrily. He passed the room where his 'daughter' Abeke was…and he just kept walking. He didn’t stop to pick his 'daughter' up - he just left her there. A nurse saw his face and could only describe it as a ‘mask’ – she knew that this man was about to do something dangerous.
Dupe was not crying anymore. She had been crying almost everyday for the past few days. But now she was smiling. She was sitting on a chair, thinking. Her phone rang and she saw that it was her husband Chigozie. She wanted to pick up the phone, but she wanted him to suffer a little for how he made her cry. And so she didn’t pick up the phone. Let it ring and ring and let him get worried, she thought. She looked at her wedding band, she would keep it on - some people take it off on a day like this. She thought about the engagement of her friend Funmi. She thought it was humiliating to see her dear friend kneeling for a man and begging to be his wife (it was supposed to be the other way round) – she was not amused or impressed. In fact, she was livid and angry. How could she do that even after all the advice she gave her. She needed to talk to her.
Funmi: Yes Modupe.
Dupe: Funmilade, how are you?
Funmi: I am fine. I am actually with Akin at the moment.
Dupe: Why did you propose to Wale? I adviced you to give him an ultimatum and let him propose but instead you buried your pride and begged him like a desperate woman to be his wife….
Funmi: I don’t understand you o. You are supposed to be my friend. You are supposed to be happy for me. Why can’t you be happy for me. You are happily married to Chigozie and I am happy for you guys. You know I have always wanted this for a long time, and when my day finally comes, you are angry. I saw you at Wale’s birthday, you were frowning your face when I expected you to be smiling. Only Tayo was happy. …And you call yourself my friend (sobbing silently).
Dupe: I am sorry that I was not happy to see you make a mistake. I am sorry that I was not happy to see you act desperate in front of everybody. I am sorry that you acted so naïve. But I am not sorry about what I feel about this whole thing. See, listen to me Funmilade, I am your friend, I care about you a lot. I do not trust that Wale is for you. I think he may be unfaithful.
Funmi: OH SHUT UP!
With this Funmi dropped the call. Dupe was so shocked – she couldn’t believe that Funmi just hung up on her like that. Their friendship was being tested with this engagement thing, she thought. Well, she will talk with Funmi again. She got off from the chair and undressed to her underwear. The man walked out of the bathroom in just his boxers – he had just taken a shower.
Wale: Dupe, I overhead you talking with my fiancée, I hope all is well. NOW, lets have a good time. Before I went into the bathroom I ordered you to take off everything. Let us get to work.
Please click for LIFE'S CHOICE 5
Oh lawd! This is all so messed up! Serious hot mess.
Stories like this actually boils me up.But please let the part 5 come fast o.LOL
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OMG..................................Please Episode 5 asap.
Hi Mena. I'm always visiting your blog but I don't comment. Please where is the part 5 now. I'm gradually going through all d back issues on this blog and loving it. Tis just delicious!good work. Olamide
thanks all, i appreciate a lot
part 5 here--> http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2012/06/lifes-choice-5.html
This is as TRUE LIFE as it gets!!! Nothing here is shocking to me but it is very exciting to read. www.tiyancooks.com
Sex rounds.intrestin wale iz hmmm nic blog.nxt episod plz o
This is the best blog ever! I must invite everyone I knw. But the name is toooo long
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