My birthday was March 12th, huge thanks to everyone in my on line, offline life who remembered. For once I didnt do anything for myself but I am planning on some activities..will just stop there for now. I have to say love every bit of dialogue surronding Lupita, her beauty, black women, colorism, film, the industry and I am quite happy to share Bougieblackgirls' thoughts as well as the comments by some of her followers, hope you enjoy this
For some reason we are witnessing the massive side eye of Lupita Nyong’o.
I have my suspicions why. It’s the Black inferiority complex. It is
amazing what 400 years of Black inferiority slave training and
conditioning can do to you.
Black people have been worshiping White for so long that they cannot appreciate their own beauty. They are stunned, gobsmacked and even in denial to see a woman who looks like most Black women being celebrated. Why? Because they themselves have promoted the idea that authentic Black beauty, intelligence, dignity and grace isn’t worth being celebrated.
Don’t believe me? They call Black women bitches, hoes and baby mammas. They diss our intelligence, talent, hair, nose and skin. They reduce the Black woman’s image to a loud mouth, strong-willed and overbearing street brawler, ghetto gaggers and big booty sperm reciprocals in their music and entertainment. That’s if we are lucky. Most purposely render Black women invisible unless they need us to support their social and political causes, music or movies. Lupita, like Michelle Obama and countless other Black women challenge those images. They are quick to say Lupita is the exception but in reality, every single day we witness through the women in our families and friends that she is the rule.
They see Lupita’s beauty being exulted and instantly are suspicious because it is their own. The beauty they rejected in favor of another. Have y’all seen the conspiracy posts already? I have. Some people are so lost and that they cannot handle seeing Black beauty being admired and so they are waiting for another shoe to drop. Like she is some CIA plant that is too good to be true, smh. Pinch yourself. This isn’t a dream. This is real. Others have said, they are “sick of seeing her.” Um, these are the same people who stan on the internets for the Halles, Lenas, Rihannas and other women who look like them for generations. Not once have they called these mixed-race Black identified beautiful women “over exposed.” Ask yourself why?They are all in the entertainment industry. It’s because she is dark skin and you are uncomfortable with that. Deep down ya’ll know it’s the truth. FYI, being exposed is Lupita’s job so get over it.
The caveats, the side-eyes and suspicion are intraracism and colorism showing it’s ass on a massive scale. It is so ingrained in the Black psyche, like racism with Whites, we are blinded to its affects. Be honest. Colorism has been accepted as the norm in the Black population. Case in point, how many times has anyone said Beyonce is pretty for a light skin girl? Well within moments of Lupita winning her Oscar I saw many post and comments saying Lupita is ”pretty for a dark skin girl.” Massive sigh!!
Before you throw shade or your side eye ask yourself where does your fear and suspicion come from? Can’t we just celebrate all kinds of Black women? As Robert F. Kennedy said, “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not” so why not? When accepting her Oscar, Lupita said, ”When I look down at this golden statue may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid” and millions of little Black girls and boys saw her and thought to themselves, yes they are. That’s something worth celebrating.
Black people have been worshiping White for so long that they cannot appreciate their own beauty. They are stunned, gobsmacked and even in denial to see a woman who looks like most Black women being celebrated. Why? Because they themselves have promoted the idea that authentic Black beauty, intelligence, dignity and grace isn’t worth being celebrated.
Don’t believe me? They call Black women bitches, hoes and baby mammas. They diss our intelligence, talent, hair, nose and skin. They reduce the Black woman’s image to a loud mouth, strong-willed and overbearing street brawler, ghetto gaggers and big booty sperm reciprocals in their music and entertainment. That’s if we are lucky. Most purposely render Black women invisible unless they need us to support their social and political causes, music or movies. Lupita, like Michelle Obama and countless other Black women challenge those images. They are quick to say Lupita is the exception but in reality, every single day we witness through the women in our families and friends that she is the rule.
They see Lupita’s beauty being exulted and instantly are suspicious because it is their own. The beauty they rejected in favor of another. Have y’all seen the conspiracy posts already? I have. Some people are so lost and that they cannot handle seeing Black beauty being admired and so they are waiting for another shoe to drop. Like she is some CIA plant that is too good to be true, smh. Pinch yourself. This isn’t a dream. This is real. Others have said, they are “sick of seeing her.” Um, these are the same people who stan on the internets for the Halles, Lenas, Rihannas and other women who look like them for generations. Not once have they called these mixed-race Black identified beautiful women “over exposed.” Ask yourself why?They are all in the entertainment industry. It’s because she is dark skin and you are uncomfortable with that. Deep down ya’ll know it’s the truth. FYI, being exposed is Lupita’s job so get over it.
The caveats, the side-eyes and suspicion are intraracism and colorism showing it’s ass on a massive scale. It is so ingrained in the Black psyche, like racism with Whites, we are blinded to its affects. Be honest. Colorism has been accepted as the norm in the Black population. Case in point, how many times has anyone said Beyonce is pretty for a light skin girl? Well within moments of Lupita winning her Oscar I saw many post and comments saying Lupita is ”pretty for a dark skin girl.” Massive sigh!!
Before you throw shade or your side eye ask yourself where does your fear and suspicion come from? Can’t we just celebrate all kinds of Black women? As Robert F. Kennedy said, “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not” so why not? When accepting her Oscar, Lupita said, ”When I look down at this golden statue may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid” and millions of little Black girls and boys saw her and thought to themselves, yes they are. That’s something worth celebrating.
I think the writer should consider that perhaps some of us haven’t relied on the media to define our images of beauty. Some of us have always found black women of all shades beautiful no matter how dark or light and when suddenly white western media declares Lupita as beautiful we’re thinking “no shit Sherlock”.
I’ll speak for myself when I say I am glad that Lupita is getting recognition because she is a talented woman and it is true that women of her skin tone and from Africa don’t normally have international opportunities so she is breaking boundaries. However, I find that black women are treated like trends in the media. Hyped to the extreme and then suddenly they move on. I think a lot of black people are cautious about treating Lupita like a trend. She was in a popular Kenyan show called Shuga and she was good in that. Africa has already seen her talent but it’s only when Hollywood does that it suddenly becomes validated? Not for me. This is the early stage of her international career. With an Oscar under her belt she is already doing very well and I personally want to be someone that sits back and watches her progress, learn and do great things.
One thing I’ve noticed is that there seems to only ever be room for one black person to be admired at a time. Walk to Freedom has been forgotten already (and with that Idris Ebla and Naomi Harris) and not much has been said about Chiwetel Ejiofor’s leading performance. It also seems as though black people need to be perfect in the media for people – especially black people I would say – to admire them. If Lupita suddenly said she was an atheist for example can you imagine how the black community would react?
All too often self-hate is the assumption that is jumped to whenever people reject what we expect them to accept but if one scratches beneath the surface then they will see that there are often wider issues at play.
And as each member of that collaboration shares their props along the red carpet, they laugh too. Except for the Black audience, who peers behind the scenes in dismay and claims that race doesn’t matter, when it actually mattered to everyone else in the chain—who is counting their profits.” – “I’m going to have to ask you to NOT do that”.
The Black men on the other hand, seem worried (not “concerned”) that a majority of Black women will no longer believe that “no one wants a Black woman” and will cease tolerating the hate, indifference and abuse of BM and the BC in general.
Just my two cents.
Why shouldn’t we have more movies about slavery, when that period in time still affects us so much albeit indirectly? And I get that you want to see movies where black people prosper, and/ or are heroes etc. But to me, the slaves featured in those movies are also heroes, they are survivors! They survived that terrible ordeal, and left us this incredible culture that is still thriving in the USA, the Caribbean etc in spite of all the negative. In my humble opinion we can’t have enough movies about slavery. Telling the stories of our ancestors, who for a long time were enslaved is a good way to honor them, I think.
Culled from bougieblackgirl.com
Mena: My opinion is similar to that of Kalin and Enoch Mubarak, though most of those who commented gave valid opinions. Huge Thanks for visiting.