Dear Future Husband,
Its been a while I wrote you right? Its not because I dont think about you, I still do its just that I'm filled with so many questions and didnt want to freak you out...but well I guess I can still ask:
*where are you honey?
*Dont you miss me...dont you feel me like I feel you?
I miss you alot and wonder if you long for me as I do you
Everyday you are in my thoughts, every passing minute, most times I just try and picture you in all your Magnificence
That handsome look that has a bit of rough edge to it...your broad chest with the fine hairs on it, hard shoulders just as if God knew my head would always rest there, your smile that takes my breath away whenever you look at me fondly with love in your eyes...oh yes, your eyes that seem to see right through me all the way down to my soul.
Why do you keep me waiting my love?

Do you know how many times I long to have pillow fights with you, how many times I feel like running my hands through your hair, or how I long for you to whisper '.... Jay, I love you always and forever
I wait for you darling...I believe God has a good plan for us, and gladly I'll go through the maturing process, because the last thing I want is for me not to appreciate your love when you do show up.
Soon our paths would cross, very soon we will be together forever....a man I call call a Man...a man that would brag about the jewel he has found, a man that would always have my back
Do you know why I love you so? No? Okay I'll tell you..darling its because you love me all the way, you love me with both my good and my bad...you stick with me through right and wrong...even through sick and sin, you go out of your way to make sure I always have a smile on my lovely face. I love you because unlike my ex(s) you jhaven't come to take take take and leave me emotionally drained, instead you have come to restore and show me the real side of love. I love how you respect me and my feelings, how you trust and protect me, how u get all my jokes, how you call me your angel...I love how proud you are of me...I love how you read my mind
I wait for that time we will meet and vow to be together forever.
Till then continue to be the strong, God fearing, accomplished, Intelligent, wealthy and trustworthy person you are, for indeed God knows what he is doing, grooming us separatly so we can fit together perfectly. He has custom made you specially for me.
God bless you my love.
Your Love,
Jennifer White
My thoughts: :P *Nah am not crying..there is something in my eye!*
wow! Jenny! I would love to be at the wedding darling...I SEE him coming sooner than you expected and in the exact precision you have described here!I hope you've started preparing...
OMG... okay something dey my eye too.
I promise you I'm not crying
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Dear Jennifer's Future Husband, do not tarry. I would love to see how often u'll put big smiles on her face and cause her to glow.
I am here already my sweet crazy Jay, I am loving you already...All you have to do is just buy that Gulfstream and come find me where I am patiently awaiting the opportunity to love you!
- instead you have come to restore and show me the real side of love.
- I wait for that time we will meet and vow to be together forever.
- He has custom made you specially for me.
- God bless you my love.
I read these parts and It gets to me...it re-affirms my believe in a kind of love of love that is rare...and that is what would make it dear.
Abegi I join Jennifer in believing o jare
Thanks my people, una too mush! :))
You cant help but fall in love! Just imagine say na Jennifer's man write those words in a bottle, not knowing Jenny will one day see the bottle and read it..
We go love oooo, in Jesus Name Amen!
Yes oooooooo my sista, we go lof ehhh!
wow! m-e-h-n! that was so deep!..
g-a-l!...am i missing something here?
rather, something you ain't telling me?...hmmmmmmmm...love, wanting & waiting...
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