Here is a quick timeline for those who have not heard of it;
A pair of explosions rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon this afternoon ... and the injuries are gruesome
12:40 PM PT -- Three people have reportedly been killed by the explosions. Dozens have reportedly been injured. Some are saying they were bombs ... but that hasn't been confirmed. There's blood everywhere.
12:59 PM PT -- Boston Marathon officials are now calling them bombs. There are reports of police responding to additional undetonated devices in the area, but nothing's confirmed. The BPD has called in all off-duty officers.
1:08 PM PT -- Police say at least two are dead and 23 are injured. The AP is reporting that two additional explosive devices have been found.
1:43 PM PT -- Reuters now saying that a fire at the JFK Library, a ways from the marathon finish line, is unrelated.
2.05 PM PT -- Authorities are scrambling ... security has been stepped up at the White House and in Times Square ... the FAA has established a no-fly zone over the scene ...
2:10 PM PT -- The number of injured has climbed into the 60s, according to several reports
2:47 PM PT -- Police are reportedly guarding a possible suspect in the hospital, where he's being treated for injuries. CBS says surveillance tape shows a man carrying backpacks into the area about 20 minutes before the blasts.
3:35 PM PT -- President Obama addressed the attacks, saying: "We still do not know who did this or why ... but make no mistake: We will get to the bottom of (this). ... Any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice."
4:57 PM PT -- Reports of a person of interest in custody were premature, and police now say they have no suspects ... one of the victims who died was an 8-year-old ... and authorities have upped the number of injured to 130 or more.
6:00 PM PT -- Boston police are now confirming a third death.
And here is the controversial opinion (DISCLAIMER: It is not my personal opinion)
All citizens, of all empires, without exception eventually come to suffer the very violence that they have allowed their nations to carryout against others.
The Roman Empire sent its legions out to brutalize and conquer barbarian tribes, eventually the barbarians were at their gates and plundering its great cities.
The Russian Empire was drowned in a blood bath that cost the lives of millions of Russian peasants and the execution of the entire lineage of the Romanov Dynasty.
The European colonial empires sent warships and armies of conquest all over the world, only to lose millions of its own citizens in two colonial wars, we call World War One and World War Two.
The Empire of Japan was brought to an end under two atomic bombs.
The United States is the world's only remaining Imperialist Superpower. It is exhibiting all of the signs and symptoms of an aging and collapsing Imperialist State: crippling debt, overextended military forces, internal repression, social and moral decadence, extreme nationalism and demonetization of foreign nationals, a multitude of fictional and invented enemies, genocidal aggression towards national minorities, obsession with sports and gaming, emergence of right-wing nationalist groups (Tea Party Patriots), a growth of religious fundamentalism, end-times prophecy and apoplectic visions, divestment from social welfare programs and public infrastructure; the list goes on, but you get the picture.
There is not one marker for an empire in decline that is not present in the US.
So, regardless if it is coming from foreign terrorist, the militarized police, Right-wing militias, or armed street gangs; there will be more violence and repression. There will be fewer freedoms, and more restrictions on free thought and movement.
All of the violence we allow this state to impose on the Third Word is retuning, in one way or another. All of the poverty, environmental destruction, dictatorships, and wage slavery we've allowed "our" government to carryout against the Third world countries is now becoming our day-to-day reality.
The only solution is to join with the oppressed people of the world in dismantling the US Empire, to end the US military occupation of sovereign lands, and to divest from the Military Industrial Complex. We must re-localize our lives and our economies, we must humanize this entire nation.
Our oppressors will use today's bombings, just as they have used all tragedies to their advantage, to push their corrupt agenda, and to silence the voices of resistance. Don't allow them to induce fear, or to manipulate you into supporting their genocidal aggression. Stay focused on the real task as hand: Liberation.
My prayers are with the injured and with the misunderstood and with the dead...:(
Update: This is an On going story: Scores of heavily-armed police swarmed a Boston suburb today as the net tightened around an 'armed and dangerous' suspect of the marathon bombings who remained at large.
Today's stand-off followed a dramatic night in which two suspects killed MIT campus police officer Sean Collier, 26, and hurled explosives at police in a car chase and gun battle that left one of them dead and his brother on the loose.
'Suspect 2', 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, seen on CCTV wearing a white baseball cap, is on the run and reportedly has explosives strapped to his body.
The terrorist, dubbed 'Suspect 1' by the FBI, was Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26. He died in hospital from gunshot wounds and possible blast injuries after a fierce gun battle in Watertown, hours after the police officer was shot dead at the nearby MIT campus.
It was revealed today Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev are legal immigrants who have been in the U.S., for around a decade. They come from the Russian region of Chechnya which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars.
The entire city of Boston is on lock down with residents warned to stay indoors, public transport shut down, taxi service suspended and a no-fly zone above the city...The 19-year-old, who attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, is an amateur wrestling champion who holds a Massachusetts driving license. He is a registered student at University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth. The campus was ordered closed on Friday morning.
The older brother Tamerlan attended Bunker Hill Community College and was studying to become an engineer but took a year off to pursue boxing.
He had recently been out of the country for six months and said in an interview with a Boston University student magazine in 2010: 'I don't have a single American friend. I don't understand them.'
Tamerlan was once arrested for domestic assault on a girlfriend, ABC reported.
A friend of the brothers told CNN that he had known them since 2006 and they were 'normal kids' who partied and occasionally smoked. A classmate told CBS that Dzhokhar did not have an accent and that he assumed he had always lived in the U.S.
The uncle of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev urged his nephew to turn himself in. Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village in Maryland, said that the 19-year-old should give himself up and ask for forgiveness.
The father of the suspects said that his son Dzhokhar is a smart and accomplished young man. Anzor Tsarnaev spoke by telephone from the Russian city of Makhachkala on Friday.
Anzor Tsarnaev said: 'My son is a true angel. Dzhokhar is a second-year medical student in the U.S. He is such an intelligent boy. We expected him to come on holidays here.'
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And who are 'our oppressors'? All you democrats always plying the victims and yet you benefit from the spoils.
#just visiting Mena's blog for the first time, all I can say is...its superb.......more power to your Elbow!
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