Date:Sunday, June 5, 2011.
Time: 2:08 AM
Location: Houston, Texas
Lola reached for the bedside table and picked up her cell phone. She took out the phone card from her purse. She called the number, and following the instructions, she was soon dialling (as usual) that very familiar phone number. 011 234 802 345 (****). The phone rang twice and a very familar voice answered. The familiar voice belonged to Kola, Lola’s fiance. Lola was in the United States and Kola was in Nigeria. They had already started planning their wedding and the wedding date had already been fixed. It was in 5 weeks.
Lola: Hello, Kola, my darling, how are you?
Kola: I am fine Lola my honey, my sweetheart.
Lola: What’s the time over there?
Kola: You know Nigeria is 6 hours ahead of Texas. So if you tell me the time, I will just add +6, and that’s our time. It’s 8 am. I am still at home, but about to be on my way to church. We have worker’s meeting before service.
Lola: It’s 2 am and I am all alone in my apartment. I wish you were here with me...I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you. This bed is so cold without you. In 10 weeks time I will be Mrs Kola Odesola.
Kola: I can’t wait to say ‘I do’. I can’t wait to be your husband my dear Lola Esugbemi. I can’t wait for our wedding night to finally see you.
Oh, Lola and Kola have never met. They were introduced through a mutual friend via facebook 4 months ago. They started dating 1 week after they met on facebook and they both fell in love by the 2nd week after they met (I think he fell first). They started planning the wedding around a month after they met. Let me continue from where I stopped.
Lola: I can’t wait to finally see you too. You are my knight in shining armour. You are my prince charming. You are my dream come true. You are my soulmate. I love you!
Kola: I love you too, you are everything I want. Everything I need. Everything for me.
Lola: Ummmmm....I got to go now, I need to read my bible before I go to bed.
Kola: aaah, I don’t want you to go, but I understand...I need to get dressed for church too. Bye love.
They both hung up the phone. Kola was on his bed. The naked lady by his side, who had been very quiet and still throughout the phone conversation, smiled and demanded that they go another round. They had been making love all through the night. She proceeded to touch him in his sensitive places with her hands, and.....let me stop here (we get the picture). Back in the US, Lola hung up the phone. Out of the shadows emerged three men and two ladies. She was in a room, but it was not her room. She was on a bed, but it was not her bed. She was still naked. She reached for the closest of the men - it was time for the orgy to continue.
copyright* Femi Job
June 11 2011
Mena says: While I recognise that every case is unique,I, for now, strongly do not believe in long distance relationships, for reasons that will take all day to properly enumerate
this life!
I stopped believing in long distance relationship ages ago
This has been going on since adam and eve, its not a big deal anymore
Interesting story...never been a fan of LDR but then again to each his/her own.
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