So I have been M.I.A. I went to India for about a month and a
half and wow the experience is very different to every single thing I am
used too. I will probably publish some of my experiences and photos
here soon.
I hope you have all been very well. Any thing new? Please lets share.
By my thinking any one of us can be silently going through terrible
ordeals in our lives thinking we are alone, and believing there is no
solution, no way out, well there is a way out! All you need to do is
speak out or write anonymously, someone somewhere will respond to you.
You are never alone, certainly not in blogsville.
So I was browsing blogsville when I came across some stories. They claim
to be true life stories and the writers actually need our advice, love or just a silent prayer. I
couldnt resist but bring some of them to them to my blog so readers who
have gone though a similar experience can play agony aunt and give them
solutions. Or you can even give them some tough love as well. They will
be published from time to time in a series titled 'HELP', this is the seventh part.....You can findHelp 1
Help 2
Help 3 Help 4 Help 5 and Help 6 just by a click...
Her Story:
"....For months I had put off going to the doctors about a lump I found in
my breast. As i walked into the
consultants room the look on the doctors face said it all.
I had been to see the very same doctor two weeks previously for a core
biopsy on a large lump in my right breast and a sample biopsy from my
lymph nodes. For some reason i was hoping everything was going to be OK
but it seemed it wasn't.
"You have
Breast Cancer" he said in a very clinical manner...... No bed side
manner at all. Everything i planned to say to him totally left my mind
and i just sat there sobbing my eyes out. The thought of not being here
for my children was the only thing i could think of. How do i tell them?
How do i tell my parents? And how the hell do i tell my partner?..I did.
Current situation: Diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago.....today my partner of many
years just leave me to deal with children.....but not after telling me i
deserved to get cancer....
This is Heartwrenching! I am in literally in tears
Mena's Muzik
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Waaay to many sad stories and whats worse some aspects of the media are gourging on yellow journalism, only causing mass hyseria! Please enjoy this humorous post, to laugh off the stress

America no go kill me!!! You know in this country America, igbo (weed) is the starting point.
So when I got this new job and we were required to come for the drug test, I had an idea how it goes. During my alcohol and drugs class for my driver's license, I learnt igbo stays in the system for twenty one days...that is if you smoked igbo at second week of February, if you took a drug test by same february, it will show you are an "igbobian". (drug user)
I remember the first time I was scheduled to go last year on my visit to faraway Texas, how my brother Riete Ofugara was looking at me asking if i was sure I would pass the test. I was like
"shoo bros, my jaguda no reach igbo side na. shooo"
and Riete says
"Ena you sure????"
Okay this test, we are about twenty and straight off the bat, I identify this "igbobian". Yes he wore a tie and shirt and looked nice but his eyes were a little too red and dreamy. So i am watching this dude saying in my mind "why this guy bother come here sef? How he want take pass?"
And then trust the two girls seated next to me. One was a Jamaican from her Buju Banton accent, the other American
Jamaican :"wah ya niame" The ugly one who is the Jamaican girl asked me
(why na the wowo girls dey start conversation sef? Why not the fine one?')
ENA "I am Ena...it is actually a very long name but everyone calls me Ena"
Jamaican: Ya smoke?
ENA: Yes fish. I smoke fish. You use it to drink garri.
Jamaican: Garri? You must be Nigerian. I like Nigerians I have dated quite a few
ENA: By few how many?
Jamaican: haha. Buoy you funny. I said a few. haha. Why ya ask me how many?
American fine one: haha. Tanya has dated quite a lot. She wanted to talk to you cos she said you WAS Nigerian.
Jamaican: (To American). Gyal ya talk shit ua know?. Okay, Nigerian, you smoke weed?
ENA: What is weed? (In my mind. "dem send una come? Una be spy abi my village weeeensh???)
Jamaican: Ya know what weed is.Grass
ENA: We clear or rather cut grass in my country with ojigbe...you know cutlas...machete
American: He funny. I bet he knows what weed is.
Jamaican: I am talking ganja, kaya, Indonesia, sensimila...me know ya know.
American: Marijuana
ENA: Oh Marijuana? I have seen it on TV. (una papa! Na me una want set up. I jump una pass in Jesus name AMEN!!!)
"Attention everybody" the lady in charge says. "You all must sign the consent form for us to be able to test your urine for drugs and alcohol"
(shoo, booze join?)
And so we were given forms. Yes O! For everything in this country you must sign a consent form. It is the first time i am seeing consent form to take my piss. Well as long as it is not babalawo's cup I am peeing in (voodoo priest) I will give them as much urine as they want.
After the signing of the forms we were given some magic cup to pee in. And so we went on a line to use the bathroom. we were bodysearched and i did not fully understand why. But my eyes were on this American boy whose eyes were a bit too Don Jazzy-like. He was moving from one foot to the other and clearly uncomfortable.
well I went in peeing the cup, wrote my name on the label and submitted. Don Jazzy look alike made sure he was last and then submitted his cup.
There was no long wait. Right there and then oyibo (white people) simply peeled the label and on it were writings and they started computing it in our presence. and then it happened. The oyibo women started laughing and they called Don Jazzy "who is Mr jeffrey Anderson?"
Jeffrey got up. I knew this would happen. I knew he was an Igbobian
Woman in Charge "Is this your urine? Will you please take this cup and pee for us again? There seems to be a problem with your urine sample. We need to redo it"
Jeffrey: (the Don jazzy guy) I ain't got no pee left. I just peed"
Woman in Charge: em...we will give you some juice or water or soda (na soda dem dey call mineral) and you can take it now and in 30 minutes to an hour you should have enough for us. We are sorry"
Jeffrey: Just tell me what the problem is.
Woman in Charge: em..are you sure?
Jeffrey: yeah. What is it?
Woman in charge: According to this urine analysis, you are pregnant.
(silence then laughter.) It is why we need to retake it.
Jeffrey: shiiiiiiiit!!! dayum!!!! pregnant? She fucking said she was on the fucking pill men. shiiiiit!!!
Woman in Charge: She?
(another round of laughter)
Jeffrey: shiiiit my girl be tryna trick me men. I aint got money for child support. She said she was on the pill and now she pregnant. I ain't going down like that men.
(more laughter)
Woman in Charge: We didn't test her we tested you. You....
Jeffrey: Damn bitch, I ain't no tranvestite. I am a man. How can i be pregnant? It was her pee men. I tried to not smoke but me and my boys went out and I was like I had a job interview but my boys were smoking and i was like i should smoke too. shiiiit. I got her pee men! She didn't fucking tell me she was pregnant. Bitch tryna play me men!!!!.
Woman in Charge:...well..you will have to excuse us. What you did was...
Jeffrey: (Quiet) Men I need this job men! I am on welfare and all.My mom kicked me out that I smoke too much weed. She smokes too. Nobody kicked her out (for her own house?who want kick her out? Oghene biko!)
And then another nonsense happened.
Jeffrey "Hey Nigeria" (I looked around and was wondering who he was talking to) Yes you with the blue tie. (chei na me he dey talk to) Gimme your lighter, I got one last joint i need to smoke men. Bitch be stressing me
ENA: (In pidgin English ) Guy!!! why you want involve me na shoooo! them send you come?
(raucous laughter with "what did he say? what did he say")
Jeffrey: What did you say?
(I put myself together and calmed down)
ENA: jeffrey, why do want to do this to me huh? I don't smoke weed.
Jeffrey: I never said you did. I said gimme a light bruv
Woman in Charge: (dips her hand in her jacket and gives him a lighter.) Take it and you can't smoke on the premises and you have to leave us now.
Jeffrey: thanks. My girl crazy i tell ya. (he leaves. Raucous laughter)
Jamaican: Why he ask ya fi light? me tell ya say ya smoke ya say ya na smoke weed.
ENA: Listen Patra, (I call her the name of that Jamaican singer) I do not smoke. You guys are like Satans to me right now and i say get thee behind me.
(another bout of laughter)
And so the results are handed to us. The lady in charge kept smiling at me when she gave me the papers. Everyone was staring at me when i got mine and the list of drugs i saw on that paper I have never heard before. just one cup and label peeled off and it revealed that of over forty drugs i was negative for all. Trust me as i raised my paper and said
"um... I am drug-free. I am alcohol free. I do not even take aspirin. I pray when sick and Jesus heals me
(raucous laughter) "una dey laugh abi?" i continued in pidgin as i took my seat.
Needless to say i am the most popular guy where I work and they keep asking me
"Hey Nigeria, gimme your light."
But where did that guy hide the pee of his girlfriend that a bodysearch did not reveal? Did he keep it in his mouth????? If yes, did she pee in a cup and he drank it or was it direct from source?
America no go kill me
Written by good friend Ena too Bam
Waaay to many sad stories and whats worse some aspects of the media are gourging on yellow journalism, only causing mass hyseria! Please enjoy this humorous post, to laugh off the stress

America no go kill me!!! You know in this country America, igbo (weed) is the starting point.
So when I got this new job and we were required to come for the drug test, I had an idea how it goes. During my alcohol and drugs class for my driver's license, I learnt igbo stays in the system for twenty one days...that is if you smoked igbo at second week of February, if you took a drug test by same february, it will show you are an "igbobian". (drug user)
I remember the first time I was scheduled to go last year on my visit to faraway Texas, how my brother Riete Ofugara was looking at me asking if i was sure I would pass the test. I was like
"shoo bros, my jaguda no reach igbo side na. shooo"
and Riete says
"Ena you sure????"
Okay this test, we are about twenty and straight off the bat, I identify this "igbobian". Yes he wore a tie and shirt and looked nice but his eyes were a little too red and dreamy. So i am watching this dude saying in my mind "why this guy bother come here sef? How he want take pass?"
And then trust the two girls seated next to me. One was a Jamaican from her Buju Banton accent, the other American
Jamaican :"wah ya niame" The ugly one who is the Jamaican girl asked me
(why na the wowo girls dey start conversation sef? Why not the fine one?')
ENA "I am Ena...it is actually a very long name but everyone calls me Ena"
Jamaican: Ya smoke?
ENA: Yes fish. I smoke fish. You use it to drink garri.
Jamaican: Garri? You must be Nigerian. I like Nigerians I have dated quite a few
ENA: By few how many?
Jamaican: haha. Buoy you funny. I said a few. haha. Why ya ask me how many?
American fine one: haha. Tanya has dated quite a lot. She wanted to talk to you cos she said you WAS Nigerian.
Jamaican: (To American). Gyal ya talk shit ua know?. Okay, Nigerian, you smoke weed?
ENA: What is weed? (In my mind. "dem send una come? Una be spy abi my village weeeensh???)
Jamaican: Ya know what weed is.Grass
ENA: We clear or rather cut grass in my country with ojigbe...you know cutlas...machete
American: He funny. I bet he knows what weed is.
Jamaican: I am talking ganja, kaya, Indonesia, sensimila...me know ya know.
American: Marijuana
ENA: Oh Marijuana? I have seen it on TV. (una papa! Na me una want set up. I jump una pass in Jesus name AMEN!!!)
"Attention everybody" the lady in charge says. "You all must sign the consent form for us to be able to test your urine for drugs and alcohol"
(shoo, booze join?)
And so we were given forms. Yes O! For everything in this country you must sign a consent form. It is the first time i am seeing consent form to take my piss. Well as long as it is not babalawo's cup I am peeing in (voodoo priest) I will give them as much urine as they want.
After the signing of the forms we were given some magic cup to pee in. And so we went on a line to use the bathroom. we were bodysearched and i did not fully understand why. But my eyes were on this American boy whose eyes were a bit too Don Jazzy-like. He was moving from one foot to the other and clearly uncomfortable.
well I went in peeing the cup, wrote my name on the label and submitted. Don Jazzy look alike made sure he was last and then submitted his cup.
There was no long wait. Right there and then oyibo (white people) simply peeled the label and on it were writings and they started computing it in our presence. and then it happened. The oyibo women started laughing and they called Don Jazzy "who is Mr jeffrey Anderson?"
Jeffrey got up. I knew this would happen. I knew he was an Igbobian
Woman in Charge "Is this your urine? Will you please take this cup and pee for us again? There seems to be a problem with your urine sample. We need to redo it"
Jeffrey: (the Don jazzy guy) I ain't got no pee left. I just peed"
Woman in Charge: em...we will give you some juice or water or soda (na soda dem dey call mineral) and you can take it now and in 30 minutes to an hour you should have enough for us. We are sorry"
Jeffrey: Just tell me what the problem is.
Woman in Charge: em..are you sure?
Jeffrey: yeah. What is it?
Woman in charge: According to this urine analysis, you are pregnant.
(silence then laughter.) It is why we need to retake it.
Jeffrey: shiiiiiiiit!!! dayum!!!! pregnant? She fucking said she was on the fucking pill men. shiiiiit!!!
Woman in Charge: She?
(another round of laughter)
Jeffrey: shiiiit my girl be tryna trick me men. I aint got money for child support. She said she was on the pill and now she pregnant. I ain't going down like that men.
(more laughter)
Woman in Charge: We didn't test her we tested you. You....
Jeffrey: Damn bitch, I ain't no tranvestite. I am a man. How can i be pregnant? It was her pee men. I tried to not smoke but me and my boys went out and I was like I had a job interview but my boys were smoking and i was like i should smoke too. shiiiit. I got her pee men! She didn't fucking tell me she was pregnant. Bitch tryna play me men!!!!.
Woman in Charge:...well..you will have to excuse us. What you did was...
Jeffrey: (Quiet) Men I need this job men! I am on welfare and all.My mom kicked me out that I smoke too much weed. She smokes too. Nobody kicked her out (for her own house?who want kick her out? Oghene biko!)
And then another nonsense happened.
Jeffrey "Hey Nigeria" (I looked around and was wondering who he was talking to) Yes you with the blue tie. (chei na me he dey talk to) Gimme your lighter, I got one last joint i need to smoke men. Bitch be stressing me
ENA: (In pidgin English ) Guy!!! why you want involve me na shoooo! them send you come?
(raucous laughter with "what did he say? what did he say")
Jeffrey: What did you say?
(I put myself together and calmed down)
ENA: jeffrey, why do want to do this to me huh? I don't smoke weed.
Jeffrey: I never said you did. I said gimme a light bruv
Woman in Charge: (dips her hand in her jacket and gives him a lighter.) Take it and you can't smoke on the premises and you have to leave us now.
Jeffrey: thanks. My girl crazy i tell ya. (he leaves. Raucous laughter)
Jamaican: Why he ask ya fi light? me tell ya say ya smoke ya say ya na smoke weed.
ENA: Listen Patra, (I call her the name of that Jamaican singer) I do not smoke. You guys are like Satans to me right now and i say get thee behind me.
(another bout of laughter)
And so the results are handed to us. The lady in charge kept smiling at me when she gave me the papers. Everyone was staring at me when i got mine and the list of drugs i saw on that paper I have never heard before. just one cup and label peeled off and it revealed that of over forty drugs i was negative for all. Trust me as i raised my paper and said
"um... I am drug-free. I am alcohol free. I do not even take aspirin. I pray when sick and Jesus heals me
(raucous laughter) "una dey laugh abi?" i continued in pidgin as i took my seat.
Needless to say i am the most popular guy where I work and they keep asking me
"Hey Nigeria, gimme your light."
But where did that guy hide the pee of his girlfriend that a bodysearch did not reveal? Did he keep it in his mouth????? If yes, did she pee in a cup and he drank it or was it direct from source?
America no go kill me
Written by good friend Ena too Bam
Sunday, 25 May 2014
"LOVE" LETTER TO ALL WOMEN ( This story contains extremely disturbing subject matter. Reader discretion is strongly advised.)
Elliot Rodger went on a shooting rampage in Santa Barbara, California. He is son of Peter Rodger The Hunger Games
The 22-year-old wrote that “the ultimate evil behind sexuality is the human female.” He added that they “think like beasts” and “should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with.”
In his perfect society, Rodger would be the Earth’s “divine ruler,” where he would quarantine all women in concentration camps and then starve them to death.
In his own words:
Mena: I dont understand how sex is so overrated and so important to people that they think to such extremes....Anyway it is hollywierd, this young man was not raised right, and even as a young adult he finds it difficult to think logically!!!!
Thursday, 22 May 2014
An online prank or was there really a black Queen in the United Kingdom?
Black history claims this but....you be the judge;
Princess Sophie Charlotte was born in 1744. She was the first Black Queen of England.
Charlotte was the eighth child of the Prince of Mirow, Germany, Charles Louis Frederick, and his wife, Elisabeth Albertina of Saxe-Hildburghausen. In 1752, when she was eight years old, Sophie Charlotte's father died. As princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sophie Charlotte was descended directly from an African branch of the Portuguese Royal House, Margarita de Castro y Sousa. Six different lines can be traced from Princess Sophie Charlotte back to Margarita de Castro y Sousa. She married George III of England on September 8, 1761, at the Chapel Royal in St James’s Palace, London, at the age of 17 years of age becoming the Queen of England and Ireland.
Princess Sophie Charlotte was born in 1744. She was the first Black Queen of England.
Charlotte was the eighth child of the Prince of Mirow, Germany, Charles Louis Frederick, and his wife, Elisabeth Albertina of Saxe-Hildburghausen. In 1752, when she was eight years old, Sophie Charlotte's father died. As princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sophie Charlotte was descended directly from an African branch of the Portuguese Royal House, Margarita de Castro y Sousa. Six different lines can be traced from Princess Sophie Charlotte back to Margarita de Castro y Sousa. She married George III of England on September 8, 1761, at the Chapel Royal in St James’s Palace, London, at the age of 17 years of age becoming the Queen of England and Ireland.
Their were conditions in the contract for marriage, ‘The young
princess, join the Anglican church and be married according to Anglican
rites, and never ever involve herself in politics’. Although the Queen
had an interest in what was happening in the world, especially the war
in America, she fulfilled her marital agreement. The Royal couple had
fifteen children, thirteen of whom survived to adulthood. Their fourth
eldest son was Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, later fathered Queen
Queen Charlotte made many contributions to Britain as it is today, though the evidence is not obvious or well publicized. Her African bloodline in the British royal family is not common knowledge. Portraits of the Queen had been reduced to fiction of the Black Magi, until two art historians suggested that the definite African features of the paintings derived from actual subjects, not the minds of painters.
In Queen Charlotte’s era slavery was prevalent and the anti-slavery campaign was growing. Portrait painters of the royal family were expected to play down or soften Queen Charlotte's African features. Painters such as Sir Thomas Lawrence, who painted, Queen Charlotte in the autumn of 1789 had their paintings rejected by the royal couple who were not happy with the representations of the likeness of the Queen. These portraits are amongst those that are available to view now, which could be seen as continuing the political interests of those that disapprove of a multi-racial royal family for Britain. Sir Allan Ramsey produced the most African representations of the Queen and was responsible for the majority of the paintings of the Queen. Ramsey’s inclination to paint truer versions of the Queen could be seen to have come from being ‘an anti-slavery intellectual of his day. The Coronation painting by Ramsey, of the Queen was sent out to the colonies/commonwealth and played a subtle political role in the anti-slavery movement. Johann Zoffany also frequently painted the Royal family in informal family scenes.
Queen Charlotte was a learned character, her letters indicate that she was well read and had interests in the fine arts. The Queen is known to have supported and been taught music by Johann Christian Bach. She was extremely generous to Bach’s wife after Bach’s death. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, at aged eight dedicated his Opus 3 piece to the Queen at her request. Also an amateur botanist, Queen Charlotte helped to establish Kew Gardens bringing amongst others the Strelitzia Reginae, a flowering plant from South Africa. The Queen who had the first one in her house in 1800 introduced the Christmas tree to England. It was said to be decorated with, ‘sweetmeats, almonds and raisins in papers, fruit and toys. Also the Queen Charlotte Maternity hospital was established in London. Set up as a charitable institution, it is the oldest maternity care institution in England.
Queen Charlotte died on November 17, 1818 at Dutch House in Surrey, now Kew Palace, in the presence of her eldest son, the Prince Regent. She is buried at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. The only private writings that have survived are Queen Charlotte's 444 letters to her closest confidant her older brother, Charles II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. On 23 May 1773 in a letter, the Queen felt she was in a position of privilege yet a task. Her Christian faith was a protection and a method of endurance, as she quotes from the Bible and recognizes her role as a royal of God beyond her royal role on earth. An exhibition took place in 2004, at the Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace displaying Charlotte and George’s collections and tastes in the arts. Queen Charlotte was the great great-great grandmother of the present Queen Elizabeth II who still lives in the expanded Buckingham House, now Buckingham Palace. Kew gardens still flourishes and is always being expanded, also the Queen Charlotte maternity hospital and many other places still carry her name in honor globally such as Charlotte town, Canada and Fort Charlotte, St Vincent, West Indies.
Queen Charlotte made many contributions to Britain as it is today, though the evidence is not obvious or well publicized. Her African bloodline in the British royal family is not common knowledge. Portraits of the Queen had been reduced to fiction of the Black Magi, until two art historians suggested that the definite African features of the paintings derived from actual subjects, not the minds of painters.
In Queen Charlotte’s era slavery was prevalent and the anti-slavery campaign was growing. Portrait painters of the royal family were expected to play down or soften Queen Charlotte's African features. Painters such as Sir Thomas Lawrence, who painted, Queen Charlotte in the autumn of 1789 had their paintings rejected by the royal couple who were not happy with the representations of the likeness of the Queen. These portraits are amongst those that are available to view now, which could be seen as continuing the political interests of those that disapprove of a multi-racial royal family for Britain. Sir Allan Ramsey produced the most African representations of the Queen and was responsible for the majority of the paintings of the Queen. Ramsey’s inclination to paint truer versions of the Queen could be seen to have come from being ‘an anti-slavery intellectual of his day. The Coronation painting by Ramsey, of the Queen was sent out to the colonies/commonwealth and played a subtle political role in the anti-slavery movement. Johann Zoffany also frequently painted the Royal family in informal family scenes.
Queen Charlotte was a learned character, her letters indicate that she was well read and had interests in the fine arts. The Queen is known to have supported and been taught music by Johann Christian Bach. She was extremely generous to Bach’s wife after Bach’s death. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, at aged eight dedicated his Opus 3 piece to the Queen at her request. Also an amateur botanist, Queen Charlotte helped to establish Kew Gardens bringing amongst others the Strelitzia Reginae, a flowering plant from South Africa. The Queen who had the first one in her house in 1800 introduced the Christmas tree to England. It was said to be decorated with, ‘sweetmeats, almonds and raisins in papers, fruit and toys. Also the Queen Charlotte Maternity hospital was established in London. Set up as a charitable institution, it is the oldest maternity care institution in England.
Queen Charlotte died on November 17, 1818 at Dutch House in Surrey, now Kew Palace, in the presence of her eldest son, the Prince Regent. She is buried at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. The only private writings that have survived are Queen Charlotte's 444 letters to her closest confidant her older brother, Charles II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. On 23 May 1773 in a letter, the Queen felt she was in a position of privilege yet a task. Her Christian faith was a protection and a method of endurance, as she quotes from the Bible and recognizes her role as a royal of God beyond her royal role on earth. An exhibition took place in 2004, at the Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace displaying Charlotte and George’s collections and tastes in the arts. Queen Charlotte was the great great-great grandmother of the present Queen Elizabeth II who still lives in the expanded Buckingham House, now Buckingham Palace. Kew gardens still flourishes and is always being expanded, also the Queen Charlotte maternity hospital and many other places still carry her name in honor globally such as Charlotte town, Canada and Fort Charlotte, St Vincent, West Indies.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Deny housing to Blacks.... they “smell, and attract vermin,”
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, former NBA all-star, who played for the Milwaukee Bucks and L.A. Lakers
from 1969 to 1989, has no sympathy for Sterling.
But he is upset that everyone is acting so surprised, noting that the NBA owner has said offensive comments in the past and has been sued over both housing and employment discrimination.
Abdul-Jabbar, in an op-ed piece in TIME attacked the collective outrage emanating from America’s media over Sterling’s aremarks to his girlfriend, calling the publication of a private conversation “sleazy” and wondering why earlier, more public manifestations of racism failed to shock those such as Al Sharpton, and the NAACP.
But he is upset that everyone is acting so surprised, noting that the NBA owner has said offensive comments in the past and has been sued over both housing and employment discrimination.
Abdul-Jabbar, in an op-ed piece in TIME attacked the collective outrage emanating from America’s media over Sterling’s aremarks to his girlfriend, calling the publication of a private conversation “sleazy” and wondering why earlier, more public manifestations of racism failed to shock those such as Al Sharpton, and the NAACP.
Abdul-Jabbar explains that
we’re witnessing a veritable “finger-wagging Olympics . . . all over
the latest in a long line of rich white celebrities to come out of the
racist closet.”
“Yes, I’m angry, too,” Abdul-Jabbar admits, “but not just about the sins of Donald Sterling. I’ve got a list.”
That list includes Sterling’s girlfriend, V.
Stiviano, whose voice is heard on the racially-loaded tape and who
likely set the Clippers’ owner up.
“Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out,” he mocked. “She was like a sexy nanny playing ‘pin the fried chicken on the Sambo.’ She blindfolded him and spun him around until he was just blathering all sorts of incoherent racist sound bites that had the news media peeing themselves with glee.”
And speaking of the news media? “They caught
big game on a slow news day,” Abdul-Jabbar explained, “so they put his
head on a pike, dubbed him Lord of the Flies, and danced around him
He wonders why everyone is acting so
surprised, noting that the NBA owner has said offensive comments in the
past and has been sued over both housing and employment discrimination.
The NAACP “did nothing” after Sterling was forced to pay a staggering $3 million fine for denying housing to Blacks, saying they “smell, and attract vermin,” Abdul-Jabbar noted. They were even going to present Sterling with an NAACP award on May 15th, with the Rev. Al Sharpton on hand. “Suddenly he says he doesn’t want his girlfriend posing with Magic Johnson on Instagram and we bring out the torches and rope. Shouldn’t we have all called for his resignation back then?”
Abdul-Jabbar is correct, but it is worse than that. The NAACP accepted multiple grants from the Donald T. Sterling Charitable Foundation and handed Sterling several “image awards” — despite full knowledge of his prior, massive fine for discrimination against Blacks in his slumlord housing.
Abdul-Jabbar, perhaps channeling his closet
libertarianism, also blasted the fact that Sterling’s private
conversation — however racist — was suddenly broadcast nationwide.
“Didn’t we just call to task the NSA for intruding into American citizen’s privacy in such an un-American way?” he asked, comparing the secret tape-recording to Mitt Romney’s embarrassing 47 percent remark, recorded without the then-candidate’s knowledge.“The making and release of this tape is so sleazy that just listening to it makes me feel like an accomplice to the crime,” Abdul-Jabbar fumed. “We didn’t steal the cake but we’re all gorging ourselves on it.”
“So, if we’re all going to be outraged,” the
former NBA star wrapped up, “let’s be outraged that we weren’t more
outraged when his racism was first evident. Let’s be outraged that
private conversations between people in an intimate relationship are
recorded and publicly played. Let’s be outraged that whoever did the
betraying will probably get a book deal, a sitcom, trade recipes with
Hoda and Kathie Lee, and soon appear on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and
‘Dancing with the Stars.’”
Source: http://toprightnews.com/?p=2777
Source: http://toprightnews.com/?p=2777
Mena: His views appears balanced and quite frankly can be used in comparison to some of the faux outrage and mass hysteria that occur in the online Nigerian community, where some sensational and possibly made up headline takes precedence over relevant issues.
Perhaps one day we will see the light.....
Saturday, 26 April 2014
How to get a dream Husband or Steady Boyfriend or casual "Boy-Toy/F*ck Buddy"... *WARNING SOME STUFF IS REALLY SEXUALLY EXPLICIT*

Novelist Kola Boof reveals very unusual "Tips" that she says are "guaranteed" to get you the man that you want in whatever capacity that you want him. She
divided this article on "HOW TO GET A MAN" into Two Parts: "SURFACE" and "DEEPER."It is a very long, quite hilarious read. Enjoy......
SURFACE (Dating)
Sisters, these steps are CRUCIAL for putting yourself under a man's skin--they're
also a PSYCHOLOGICAL "trick"---and they work.
The core root of any type of love/relationship is "Friendship", so
start by making it a point to amass at least 20 Platonic Male Friends.
Dismiss the whole notion of having a "boyfriend/a Man/
big romance"--just desire and cultivate a "Pal System."
This will help you to do two things: (1) Expose your personal flaws
to males early (So that some can move away from you or even help you
improve on yourself). (2) Help you "eliminate" any guys you can't tolerate
and would be a waste of time.
FIRST MEET A MAN--don't ask him what he does for a living or
how much money he makes.
Just make it clear that you have your own back and put your gaze/smile
on HIM (his inside character) like a friend would do.
Let the other girls (your competition) ask him Money questions and
everything else that has nothing to do with who he is.
Trust me, some kind of way, it won't be long before he slips you the info on
his financial status--but thing is, he'll have a very "fond" mental and emotional
view of you because you seem to care about him and not what he has.
Men don't like to be "used" anymore than we do (although, a lot of what I'm
going to tell you in this Blog is on how to manipulate them--I admit that. But
don't be a stupid bitch. If you're going to lead pups to what they really want
(YOU), then be sweet as sugar and soft; understanding; welcoming.)
Don't ever act like a "romance novel reader"--gushy, talking on and on about what
your big dreams are for love and sharing life with a man. SERIOUSLY--you need
to be "Clinical" and not "emotional" about love/relationships. Have no expec-
tations, and while being "friendly, approachable & vulnerable" towards males,
don't ever act like you don't already have a man. Don't act available--but be very
cheerful, open and don't be afraid to ever show vulnerability.
OK, you've "cultivated" these platonic friendships with upwards 20 males--now
you have maybe 2 or 3 who hint at or ask you on date.
Once you have the opportunity to "get together" alone with a guy
for a "date" or whatever...immediately inform him that you
"Don't date."
YOU: "Craig, honestly--I'm not interested in having a relationship or
a boyfriend. Sometimes I wish I had a sex buddy, but I'm not even ready
for that yet (don't forget to mention that sex buddy arc). But maybe we
could hang out at the park and feed the ducks? That would be fun!"
[If you don't "Get It"--just read that over a few times until you get it.]
If a guy insists on "spending money; a restaurant; movie"--REFUSEunless you've already had your first 3 "Psyche" Dates.
Many times, this will SHOCK a guy when you say--"No, I can't go
with you to McDonalds/RedLobster...I don't like guys spending money
on me! But let's go down to the park and feed the squirrels."
This is Psychological. It's not about the events. It's about him being trained
to believe that your interest is strictly HIM indigenously. He should have
this wonderful feeling about you--that your love is free.
Psyche Dates
Unless it's Absolutely Survival Induced (gas and lights gotta be
paid or some shit). DON'T let a man spend money on you right off bat.
If you LISTEN to Kola's way--then he'll spend TONS of money LATER.
Your first three DATES should be something like:
**Meeting at the Park (you could have sandwiches & soda)
**Meeting at the PUBLIC LIBRARY and chat (make up a reason!)
**Meet at the BEACH...and "talk" while walking on the shoreline.
These are Psyche Dates--any kind of You & Him as a Duo that is
FREE OF CHARGE and focuses on you two forming a BOND.
KOLA'S FACTS OF LIFE: Despite men's legendary insecurity
which leads to videos/magaz. dictating what they "like" and what type
girl they want to "USE" to impress the other fellas--despite their
bravado over having "Swag" and their Dick-size and not being "punks"
to emotions and all that macho MAN shit---truth is--men are just as
senstitive & emotional deep down as we are. They're not IMMEDIATELY
as intelligent as we are--because SEXISM doesn't allow men to have
the "Emotional Range" that females are allowed (for instance women
can CRY & HUG other women in public; we're allowed to analyze and show intense emotion)...but men do have the capacity for it...and if you gain
(#1) his trust and (#2) his respect/fondness towards you and (3) You're "about
something", therefore you're somewhat interesting to him--then you
have a shot at getting him just about any way that you want him.
You've always heard Mama say that the way to a man's heart
is a good home cooked meal.
Well, she was wrong.
The way to any man's heart is through great Blow Jobs. LOL!
Just kidding, sisters (*but then again...I'm not.)
FOOD is one of the three Nervous System Requirements for a happy
Human Being (Food, sex and sleep according to Science), male or female.So think on this:
A major, crucial trick is to learn how to make at least 5 dishes that your
Guy absolutely LOVES---but that no other chick in the vaccinity knows
how to make! Can't be one or two dishes...it has to be at least 5. In my case,
it was like 55. But, believe me, over time, this gives you leverage.
If you live around a bunch of Latino chicks, then don't make it Spanish food.
Get him hooked on Chili Cheese Fries covered in Goat Cheese & Russian
Shredded Pastrami...if you live in Jackson, Mississippi where every woman
can get down on some Soul food...then get him hooked on French Spiced
Pork Chops with mint sauce, coos-coos and potatoes with crabmeat topping.
It can be very simple shit as well, but he's gotta rave it; request it--then you
know you've come up with a winning dish. Sweet Potato pie with ginger and
a bottom layer of cream cheese.
Thing is, if he gets "hooked" on your cooking--then he'll be coming back. Trust me.
The entire 10 years my hubby and I were together--I made his "cereral"
from scratch. Every sunday, I configured and mixed and bagged his
cereal. I made fresh bread. I made honey wine. My whole kitchen was
set up to "ambush his ass"---and he wasn't allowed to fix shit!
And yes--I am a Womanist/Feminist woman.
In my case, I love cooking--so it's effortless for me. I also come from
a Nilotic Sudanese culture that says: "Anything that has babies falling
out of its ass should know how to prepare a meal." But that's just me.
A lot of women hate cooking--and if you're one of those women, then
focus on other areas. But for women who do cook--other than really
intense blowjobs, cooking is about your strongest SPADE in the deck
for screwing up a man's "Selection Process" (and trust me, Men have
about 300% more mating options to choose from than we women
do--so don't frown on cooking and blowjob skills as manipulation
tools if your'e serious about wanting to secure a Man-In-the-House.)
So,yeah, sisters. You want to take a deep breath..stop being INTIMIDATED
by the idea and task of cooking...and learn to make very simple, quick dishes,
and after you master and "feel comfortable" with the idea that you can actually
whip up a quick, easy meal--expand that--so that you're "experimenting" and
coming up with stuff that your guy really finds "delectable" and can't imagine
himself without.
Also doesn't hurt to rub your man's belly and feet after a meal IF he's the
affectionate type who doesn't mind you touching him. I was lucky that my
hubby LOOOOVED attention; loved being kissed & hugged & made to feel
like a little boy.
He gave me everything for making him feel that way.

And, of course, hand in hand with great food, men love their dick sucked by someone who appears to LIKE doing it even more than the man wants it.
It's a great way for the guy you love to wake up "some" mornings (with his dick
in your mouth.) Of course, it goes without saying that men should reciprocate.
--but we're talking about securing a man right now.
Not to be scary--but if a man can fuck you in your face hard--and it seems as though
you're breathing through your asshole, not your nose, while you're slobbing that knob, then you'll have a LOT of power of him.
If you're not the best at Head--you can do things like put a "breath strip Mint" or
Listerine strip or something like that in in your mouth so that your tongue slightly TINGLES his penis. Men like you to do "ice cream licks" on the head; pucker and
lolipop-smack the mushroom...lick the staff...and Deep Throat, hard. If you can
learn to do those motions, plus dart your tongue at say the staff while you're shining
the mushroom head--AND suck on his balls; going back and forth--then you'll be
at least considered "good" at it.
Of course--you can't just give any guy a blowjob--it has to be someone VERY
special to you. Let's be clear on that.
I don't think it's smart to give a guy a Blow Job when you first meet him
(or have started the Psyche dating process). What I always do is make sure that
the guys knows that "I like giving head"---but unless I'm just trying to be his
"fuck buddy/Mistress/Maid"---I'm not giving him a blowjob until at least the
2nd or 3rd time that we've actually made love.
And if you really want a Long-Term relationship with a man (arriving at marriage
or a serious commitment)...then it's BEST not to put out for a very long time.
Sometimes, people fuck right away and still end up together in a deep relationship,
but the odds of that happening aren't good. Especially if you're a Black Woman
(because in our community, "Color Code" means many of us are "to be Used for
sex" and discarded dependent upon how Africoid our hair, features & skin tone.)
Doesn't matter if you're a Beauty or a Plain Girl or even Ugly--men want and respect the challenge of that girl who WILL NOT put out.
If you're trying to be his WIFE, then don't let a man do anything more than kiss you,
rub your soft legs, fondle you. Be sweet--but pull away and firmly shut it down.
But if you're trying to be "Mistress/Maid/Fuck Buddy"--then you can let your
creative Rita Hayworth side out and enjoy playing the Whore. (Done "safely" and
"intelligently" it's a lot of fun being a whore, too, and I'm not knocking the girls who
are bold enough to enjoy that end of the racket.)
SURFACE (Don't Do It, Sisters)
Don't get pregnant...OK!
If you want a chance at a serious commitment leading to marriage--do not let
a man get you knocked up.
Because more than likely, a man will leave you if you get pregnant and then
you'll have a serious jacked up time getting a "good quality" replacement for
his ass.
I know how we, as women, think--"A baby will love me unconditionally and I
won't be alone anymore. It will fill up my life...it will look like this man I love so much."
Unless you can feed and clothe and keep a decent apartment--a baby will fuck up your life and seriously slow down your progress in the world. This is not Africa or a society where babies ARE your life. This is America where the only woman who should think about having a child before age 25 is a MARRIED one.
I was almost 30 when I had my first baby and my Black American Adoptive Mother
raised me and my sisters that we were not to have a baby until we were at least
25. She used to hiss like a viper when teenaged girls passed our stoop with a
belly sticking out.
*I had an abortion when I was 17 for the record. I also lost my virginity when I
was 17.
Even when a Boyfriend insists that you get pregnant and that he WANTS and will love
and support a baby--your chances of being abandoned are extremely high.
Especially if you're a Black Woman.
Don't do it. Stay baby-free as long as you possibly can, and when you do have a
child--make sure that you are financially ready and able to support it by yourself.
Welfare withers the soul and you don't want that for too long--staying on Welfare
can dim your ambition and kill your spirit. GOD BLESS THE CHILD--WHO'S GOT
HER OWN. Don't have a baby unless you can control everything about that situation.
Whatever your "beliefs" are--whatever your princles and things you stand for are
---NEVER let a man intimidate you into changing your convictions for him.
Once you change your convictions for a man--he no longer respects you.
Men admire and are in awe of women who have strong convictions about something
and demand that their views be respected.
Now please be aware...a Woman has a right to change her mind about some things.
For instance--you might really feel inside yourself that you should give up being
Christian and become a Jew for your Jewish boyfriend. That's cool---as long as it's
not HIS ORDERS and it's truly, honestly and deeply your own desire. But do
realize that you can have a Jewish boyfriend and stay Christian. You can. Just
Tell him he has HIS WAY and you have yours.
But whatever you do, don't let a Man "control" your mind, your decisions, your
convictions, your thoughts. INSIST on asserting (in a pleasant way) who you are at
the intellectual and spiritual core of yourself.
Contrary to public belief...men LOVE strong women as long as they're not Mean, Bitter
and Over-bearing.
SURFACE (Violence)
Do not ever...under any circumstances...tolerate a Man "hitting, slapping, kicking or
beating you."
I was once beaten up very badly by a Nigerian boyfriend in London and was
hospitalized. Osama Bin Laden beat me several times--though I was very proud
when Vice President of Sudan stated: "Only two women have ever slapped Bin
Laden--his mother and Kola Boof."
Sometimes, I like semi-rough sex (spankings; sex smacks; manhandling). But
stuff like that is between two consenting adults in the heat of passion--I don't
count that as violence.
You can never let a man Beat You or intimidate you with violence, because once
you do--he won't respect you and he'll escalate the abuse. After so long, it becomes
your fault and not his. Honestly.
SURFACE (The Thing About Beauty)
Please pay attention to what I'm about to say here.
"Don't ever...let a man SEE HOW...you put yourself together."
I am definitely NOT saying that women should be made up at all times
--I am NOT saying sleep in your make up.
What I am saying....is that whenever you need to put on makeup or get your
Hair done...DO NOT let your man watch you do it (or watch it being done).
It's a psychological thing. It takes away from your mystery and allure. You
want to be open and honest with a man--but you also want to keep some sense
of mystery and wonder about yourself. Vanishing with a "plain face" and then
re-emerging with a glam face causes a Mental Blink with men (they're visual
creatures). Keep that.
One thing I HATE about "Black Women"---they will sit up in the beauty parlor
chair getting a "Weave" and let their man watch. Or press and curl. Just as sassy
and demure; boisterous. Letting their Man watch them get their hair done.
Or at home--they will let their man sit there and watch them wash and blow dry;
watch them get braids or extensions.
One of the quickest ways to have a man LEAVE YOU (other than getting pregnant)
is to sit up like some stupid Olive Oyl letting him WATCH HOW you put yourself
Granted--many women's husbands watch them get their hair done; put on makeup.
But as well, most women's husbands have mistresses who are more interesting than the
wife and cheat on their women "from time to time." (Fuck what the wives claim and
tell you--men, in general, cheat. Like Bette Midler said: They do it; they do it; they
do it.)
But listen girls...
You know what men think when they see a woman, any woman--could be Angelina
Jolie--but you know what men "subconsciously" think as they watch you get your
hair did--watch you put on make up?? They think: "She ain't all that--she's not that interesting anymore--I want to find out who that new chick is."
I don't EVER let men watch me put myself together--unless it's my brothers or my
For Psychological reasons---make the man "constantly curious" by refusing to let
him see HOW you put yourself together. He'll start to realize that he's seen all
his other women put themselves together--but never you.
YOU stand out.
And if you're a Black girl in America---you damn well better.
You could be "considered" the Ugly girl on your block; but Sister, LEARN
to STAND OUT no matter what you're working with.
The main thing about beauty and looks....is that you always, always...strive
to look like yourself.
A good many men are "superficial, insecure." This is a LOOK-CENTRIC society
where so many people aren't aware that there's 2 things that can't be detected with
the naked eye (beauty and love). People think they can actually SEE...when in
reality, we are all maimed and disfigured by Prejuidce and Social Contruct, Beauty
itself being one of the world's biggest Social Constructs next to RACE. In fact, I call
it Beauty Evil in my books, because we actually think with the naked eye that we
can truly see beauty.
We abuse and destroy so many who really are beautiful, but aren't recognized for it,
because the idea of what is beautiful is an inhumanly narrow ledge.
So that's the thing about beauty--it can't guarantee that you'll be loved, cherished or
anything at all. The most beautiful Black woman is often passed up for a toothless White
whale with brown oily hair, because...STATUS/Level of Whiteness overrides beauty.
One of the ugliest most overrated bitches I've ever seen is Kimora Lee Simmons ("Baby Phat", uh yeah--fat, flat and shapeless alright). But look how this Cabbage-Patch-faced Chinese Golddigger claiming a speck of Black blood is paraded around the Black community by...of course, the darkest skinned of men--notably Djimon Hounsou's niggerstock ass)...as though she's some Prized Queen simply because she's willing
to help classically self-hating dark Black-skinned black men achieve their goal of
aquiring some form of "admixture"--distance from the inferior Blackness that plagues
colorstruck black men (which among the "darkest men" is practically all of them).
Notice that the REAL TRUE GOLD DIGGERS in the Black world--chicks like no-talent
Kimora, Jennifer Lopez and 200 White Groupie Basketball locker room "trophies" are never referred to as what they are---"golddiggers/dick-suck'n chickenhead Ho's."
But a Black man will call a young Black woman, the "motherseed" of his own race a"golddigger/chickenhead" in a minute, without qualifying it even. She's black like him--so it's Ok in his "nigger mind" to disrespect and de-value his own image while putting a ring on real chickenheads like Kim Kardashian.
And I'm serious about that. To me--Kim Kardashian is a very beautiful woman. But
she's still a Chickenhead Ho--everybody's been in her mouth; everybody! And the shit is on FILM! Yet because of her color and hair texture, the "niggerstock" rise her up as some glorious genetic achievement--a PRIZED goddess with the power to "transform" nigger men into NEUTRALIZED, more socially acceptable, less threatening caricatures of a black man.
Obviously I don't have too much respect for the Blatant Colorism I perceive in Black men like Taye Diggs, Djimon Hounsou, Seal, Lomar Odam, Kobe Bryant (those types)--but
what I hate the most from those men is the constant message that "their mother's black
image"...an image continued in new younger Black girls...is not valid; not beautiful; not respectable; not valuable. But in all their "boisterous Kingly-ness" notice they can't AFFIRM their own motherseed (their mirror image; the Black female). These men CONFIRM what their White Slave Master said along---that Blacks are inferior as a "race"; that Black man will cut off his right leg to have a White woman; that Black children are worthless, ugly and 3/5th of a human being. THOSE MEN, without realizing it (because they're dumb Nigger men) are using their life's "ACTION" to tell that LIE about all Black people everywhere.
It is without a doubt, the biggest LIE ever told on American soil, and I'll never forgive
"those men" for telling that lie while holding up chickenhead-HO's like the ultra-gorgeous Kim Kardashian and Kimora Simmons as "GODDESS SAVIORS." Bull-fucking-shit
So don't OBSESS...don't obsess, sisters, over the "beauty standards" and America's
claim that there are no beautiful "Black women"--only beautiful Mulattos.
I Kola am not a raving Beauty by American standards. Many men in America have told me that I'm ugly (mostly Black men). But the thing is...I look like myself, I am an African Mother whose womb produced TWO BLACK MEN and I look like Africa. I decided; I decided...that I am beautiful. When I look in the mirror--I see that Africa and the African
people, male and female, are still alive. If you ask my sons who the most beautiful woman on earth is, they will both tell you without thinking--"Mommysweet."
And that's as it should be.
They believe I am beautiful because I believe it and since their births, I have wrapped
their lives in a world of KOLA BEAUTY. Every Black woman should let go of the Slavery
Mule/Maid GUILT, the "American Beauty Standards System," the classically colorstruck Dark Skinned Black Man and his plantation-BET inflicted BLINDNESS and adopt the KOLA BEAUTY standard in their lives. You'd produce prouder more self-loving Black children, because truly....BLACK is beautiful.
If Black Women want Black Men to start thinking that Black is beautiful...then Black
MOTHERS are going to have to start creating that reality in the heads of their sons
early and stop claiming they think Black is beautiful while talking out the side of
their mouth about "bring me some good hair grandbabies!" or "get your nappy black
self over here!"...or all the other ways that BLACK MOTHERS systematically and
"accidentally" raise their boys to accept the Dominant Culture's view about us.
It is true that the Media and Men are powerful...but women have power, too. And we
don't use ours enough to design the world and the society the way that WE want it.
No one is going to establish a "Black Beauty Standard" in America for Black Women
but us.
Queen Sojourner Truth once said: "You have take what you want."
That means we, Black women--not Mulattos, not sympathetic White feminists--but
we, Black women, have to rise up IN OUR OWN HOMES and begin to create and design a "Black Aesthetic" for us; a standard that is for us and OUR children. When
I teach my sons the African/Cushitic principle about their hair being "The Proof"
--in other words, the marker GOD put on Africans and only our race as "Proof" that we are
his direct children; the ones made in his image and made FIRST as Africa itself is FIRST, I am doing that. Because in order to keep that crown in their family line, they're going to have to marry a woman who can produce "The Proof."
That is the way that you make strong, self-loving Black men so that the next crop
of young sisters can have love and romance--you pass it down.
But, unfortunately, we have a lot of weak ass Black women who think putting a long
Blond weave and green eyes in their heads makes them beautiful (we've all, includingme, done some formulation of the "White Girl Drag")--but all it does is makes us look inferior and desperate (and pathetic).
No one can respect someone who doesn't cherish and respect themselves. The #1 reason
WORLDWIDE that "Black People" are disparaged is because of how they mistreat,
disrespect, devalue and dehumanize their own people----and that hate started when we
AFRICANS sold our own children into slavery.
Men like Taye Diggs and Seal don't realize that their inability to reproduce their own
image via children is exactly what makes the rest of the world see them as "inferior."
Almost every rich, successful White man AFFIRMS his Kingdom by reproducing SONS
in his own White image--which is human nature...But almost every rich, successful Black
man does the weak ass Michael Jackson "Baby Moon Chalk" trick. Their message is that the answer to racism is to get rid of the STAIN (blackness) and then we can all sing "We Are the World" and fling our long Spanish hair around while pinning "Mother of the Year" on Madonna. These men always shout "One love"; they're always up in some Mexican King's face talking about "You my brother" in typical "ass-kissing black man tenor"--but there's no tangible evidence that these niggerstock Africans love their own family; their own people. They're lost and trifling, and like the ancient loser-ass MOORS--they think EXTINCTION is a medal.
So, we, as black women, need to seriously rethink our ideas about "beauty" and get
really serious about REJECTING the "American White Girl Beauty Standard" and
start creating and imposing our own standard of beauty.
Especially us Dark Skinned Black and YELLOW women--the ones who actually have the genetic power to keep our people alive and in existense. We have to stop being invisible while Mixed race and Biracial are overly represented and falsely held up as "The Black Woman." That's fucking bullshit, and we who are AFRICANS (Chocolate, Red and "Africoid" Yellow) have an obligation to not stand for the way White Supremacy uses/employs/stations Mixed People to make the real Blacks invisible.
Our daughters won't have "good authentic black men" if we don't produce any, sisters.
SURFACE (Uncles)
When you're dating a man and you already have children--don't bring him around
your children for a very long time (at least 3-4 months). Schedule time to "screw" somewhere far away from your kids---or, if your kids are away from home visiting grandparents or first husband or something---that's another decent time. (Sometimes
in the "plutonic friendship" Stage, it's fine for him to meet the kids--yet again, once it
becomes a romantic thing; cut that out immediately). Don't let men meet and
interact with your kids until the two of you have gotten very, very serious.
Men respect women who respect their children.
Many women let themselves go as they age...they lose vaginal power.
I am ritually/tribally infibulated (muscles cut loose at birth or age 3 and stitched
Tighter into cylinder shape and then Vagina lips SEWN SHUT until the marriage
night....to create what African man calls "Perpetual Virgin"). Even after babies, Infibulation does not go "loose." You are "Perpetual Virgin" for life.
Of course, my life's work as a Womanist has been to PROTEST the horrible female
circumcision/infibulation that afflicts at least 100 million African women (my country
Sudan and Egypt are the world's leaders in this ancient Islamic practice)....but I have also used my vagina to my advantage with men. My birth mother did not allow my Clitoris to
be removed in the Infibulation process and that has been a great blessing to me.
Transplanted to Western Society/Culture as a young girl...I was able manipulate men
all through my 20's and 30's with the outrageous lie that I was a "virgin" and that he'd
be the first one getting it. When he DID get it---I usually got lots of money and gifts;
incredible respect for this sweet "virtuous" African girl who never been fucked before.
Tight stuff, girls, is GOOD to have.
So many Western women do themselves a favor by douching with Vinegar & Water (to
get a pucker pull-in) and doing CRUNCHES...daily, 50 to 100 CRUNCHES per
This gives you tighter coochie, Sisters, and though it is work, there are intimate moments
when you'll be glad you put in time. Of course, you have to get a dildo and practice
USING your tightened stomach muscles to make your vagina "GRIP." If you can
master "gripping" with your vagina--you'll have power that a lot of other women
don't have. Men love it when their penis "arm wrestles" with the vagina.
Once you pass 40 and have had babies...the time that most women complain of being
"way too loose," you might consider going to a Doctor and having your vagina
RE-Tightened. It is a safe surgical process and many women are starting to do it.
I'm not saying that you should...I'm just saying that a Tight Tiny Pussy is not something
that all the other girls at the office or on the subway are likely to have going for them.
Men like tight little holes because Psychologically it makes them feel so BIG and dominating---and it feels really silky good when it's gripping their staff.
Source: http://kolaperfume.5u.com
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Bougieblackgirl speaks on reactions to Lupita Nyong’o popularity
My birthday was March 12th, huge thanks to everyone in my on line, offline life who remembered. For once I didnt do anything for myself but I am planning on some activities..will just stop there for now. I have to say love every bit of dialogue surronding Lupita, her beauty, black women, colorism, film, the industry and I am quite happy to share Bougieblackgirls' thoughts as well as the comments by some of her followers, hope you enjoy this
For some reason we are witnessing the massive side eye of Lupita Nyong’o.
I have my suspicions why. It’s the Black inferiority complex. It is
amazing what 400 years of Black inferiority slave training and
conditioning can do to you.
Black people have been worshiping White for so long that they cannot appreciate their own beauty. They are stunned, gobsmacked and even in denial to see a woman who looks like most Black women being celebrated. Why? Because they themselves have promoted the idea that authentic Black beauty, intelligence, dignity and grace isn’t worth being celebrated.
Don’t believe me? They call Black women bitches, hoes and baby mammas. They diss our intelligence, talent, hair, nose and skin. They reduce the Black woman’s image to a loud mouth, strong-willed and overbearing street brawler, ghetto gaggers and big booty sperm reciprocals in their music and entertainment. That’s if we are lucky. Most purposely render Black women invisible unless they need us to support their social and political causes, music or movies. Lupita, like Michelle Obama and countless other Black women challenge those images. They are quick to say Lupita is the exception but in reality, every single day we witness through the women in our families and friends that she is the rule.
They see Lupita’s beauty being exulted and instantly are suspicious because it is their own. The beauty they rejected in favor of another. Have y’all seen the conspiracy posts already? I have. Some people are so lost and that they cannot handle seeing Black beauty being admired and so they are waiting for another shoe to drop. Like she is some CIA plant that is too good to be true, smh. Pinch yourself. This isn’t a dream. This is real. Others have said, they are “sick of seeing her.” Um, these are the same people who stan on the internets for the Halles, Lenas, Rihannas and other women who look like them for generations. Not once have they called these mixed-race Black identified beautiful women “over exposed.” Ask yourself why?They are all in the entertainment industry. It’s because she is dark skin and you are uncomfortable with that. Deep down ya’ll know it’s the truth. FYI, being exposed is Lupita’s job so get over it.
The caveats, the side-eyes and suspicion are intraracism and colorism showing it’s ass on a massive scale. It is so ingrained in the Black psyche, like racism with Whites, we are blinded to its affects. Be honest. Colorism has been accepted as the norm in the Black population. Case in point, how many times has anyone said Beyonce is pretty for a light skin girl? Well within moments of Lupita winning her Oscar I saw many post and comments saying Lupita is ”pretty for a dark skin girl.” Massive sigh!!
Before you throw shade or your side eye ask yourself where does your fear and suspicion come from? Can’t we just celebrate all kinds of Black women? As Robert F. Kennedy said, “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not” so why not? When accepting her Oscar, Lupita said, ”When I look down at this golden statue may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid” and millions of little Black girls and boys saw her and thought to themselves, yes they are. That’s something worth celebrating.
Black people have been worshiping White for so long that they cannot appreciate their own beauty. They are stunned, gobsmacked and even in denial to see a woman who looks like most Black women being celebrated. Why? Because they themselves have promoted the idea that authentic Black beauty, intelligence, dignity and grace isn’t worth being celebrated.
Don’t believe me? They call Black women bitches, hoes and baby mammas. They diss our intelligence, talent, hair, nose and skin. They reduce the Black woman’s image to a loud mouth, strong-willed and overbearing street brawler, ghetto gaggers and big booty sperm reciprocals in their music and entertainment. That’s if we are lucky. Most purposely render Black women invisible unless they need us to support their social and political causes, music or movies. Lupita, like Michelle Obama and countless other Black women challenge those images. They are quick to say Lupita is the exception but in reality, every single day we witness through the women in our families and friends that she is the rule.
They see Lupita’s beauty being exulted and instantly are suspicious because it is their own. The beauty they rejected in favor of another. Have y’all seen the conspiracy posts already? I have. Some people are so lost and that they cannot handle seeing Black beauty being admired and so they are waiting for another shoe to drop. Like she is some CIA plant that is too good to be true, smh. Pinch yourself. This isn’t a dream. This is real. Others have said, they are “sick of seeing her.” Um, these are the same people who stan on the internets for the Halles, Lenas, Rihannas and other women who look like them for generations. Not once have they called these mixed-race Black identified beautiful women “over exposed.” Ask yourself why?They are all in the entertainment industry. It’s because she is dark skin and you are uncomfortable with that. Deep down ya’ll know it’s the truth. FYI, being exposed is Lupita’s job so get over it.
The caveats, the side-eyes and suspicion are intraracism and colorism showing it’s ass on a massive scale. It is so ingrained in the Black psyche, like racism with Whites, we are blinded to its affects. Be honest. Colorism has been accepted as the norm in the Black population. Case in point, how many times has anyone said Beyonce is pretty for a light skin girl? Well within moments of Lupita winning her Oscar I saw many post and comments saying Lupita is ”pretty for a dark skin girl.” Massive sigh!!
Before you throw shade or your side eye ask yourself where does your fear and suspicion come from? Can’t we just celebrate all kinds of Black women? As Robert F. Kennedy said, “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not” so why not? When accepting her Oscar, Lupita said, ”When I look down at this golden statue may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid” and millions of little Black girls and boys saw her and thought to themselves, yes they are. That’s something worth celebrating.
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I think the writer should consider that perhaps some of us haven’t relied on the media to define our images of beauty. Some of us have always found black women of all shades beautiful no matter how dark or light and when suddenly white western media declares Lupita as beautiful we’re thinking “no shit Sherlock”.
I’ll speak for myself when I say I am glad that Lupita is getting recognition because she is a talented woman and it is true that women of her skin tone and from Africa don’t normally have international opportunities so she is breaking boundaries. However, I find that black women are treated like trends in the media. Hyped to the extreme and then suddenly they move on. I think a lot of black people are cautious about treating Lupita like a trend. She was in a popular Kenyan show called Shuga and she was good in that. Africa has already seen her talent but it’s only when Hollywood does that it suddenly becomes validated? Not for me. This is the early stage of her international career. With an Oscar under her belt she is already doing very well and I personally want to be someone that sits back and watches her progress, learn and do great things.
One thing I’ve noticed is that there seems to only ever be room for one black person to be admired at a time. Walk to Freedom has been forgotten already (and with that Idris Ebla and Naomi Harris) and not much has been said about Chiwetel Ejiofor’s leading performance. It also seems as though black people need to be perfect in the media for people – especially black people I would say – to admire them. If Lupita suddenly said she was an atheist for example can you imagine how the black community would react?
All too often self-hate is the assumption that is jumped to whenever people reject what we expect them to accept but if one scratches beneath the surface then they will see that there are often wider issues at play.
And as each member of that collaboration shares their props along the red carpet, they laugh too. Except for the Black audience, who peers behind the scenes in dismay and claims that race doesn’t matter, when it actually mattered to everyone else in the chain—who is counting their profits.” – “I’m going to have to ask you to NOT do that”.
The Black men on the other hand, seem worried (not “concerned”) that a majority of Black women will no longer believe that “no one wants a Black woman” and will cease tolerating the hate, indifference and abuse of BM and the BC in general.
Just my two cents.
Why shouldn’t we have more movies about slavery, when that period in time still affects us so much albeit indirectly? And I get that you want to see movies where black people prosper, and/ or are heroes etc. But to me, the slaves featured in those movies are also heroes, they are survivors! They survived that terrible ordeal, and left us this incredible culture that is still thriving in the USA, the Caribbean etc in spite of all the negative. In my humble opinion we can’t have enough movies about slavery. Telling the stories of our ancestors, who for a long time were enslaved is a good way to honor them, I think.
Culled from bougieblackgirl.com
Mena: My opinion is similar to that of Kalin and Enoch Mubarak, though most of those who commented gave valid opinions. Huge Thanks for visiting.